Prevention of Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) Program

The Prevention of Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth, (P.A.R.T.Y.) Program is an interactive health promotion program aimed at youth, promoting injury prevention through reality education. It enables students to recognise and minimise risks and make informed choices about risk-taking behaviour. The Program is offered to high school students within the St George area. Due to COVID, this Program which was previously held on campus at St George Hospital, is now being run on school sites.
The P.A.R.T.Y Program includes discussions regarding risk-taking behaviours and consequences; and presentations by Emergency Services (Police & Paramedics), a Trauma Consultant and Trauma Ambassador (sharing real life experiences- death of a teenage child / injury survivor). The pre-COVID program consisted of a hospital tour through the Emergency Department, ICU & Trauma Ward, exposing students to reenacted scenarios of youths sustaining traumatic injuries. Due to restrictions imposed in hospitals, we will now offer this experience externally in schools. This requires suitable props and resources to mimic the hospital environment. Specifically, this includes a pop-up inflatable portioning device that replicates a real life resuscitation room with trauma surgeons and emergency staff and a "patient" acting out their various roles in an emergency trauma scenario. Resources needed in combination with the pop-up inflatable portioning device include Trauma SIM Moulage kit (, a portable fold-out patient bed and an internal stage set to create the illusion of an Emergency Department Resuscitation Room.

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The Program has a positive impact on local community youths, their peers and families. In order to continue the Program in a post-COVID environment we require additional funding to purchase the required equipment outlined above and get the newly formatted program set up to deliver the program externally. To find out more and enquire about sponsoring this program, please contact Community Relations on (02) 9113 2901or