General Patient/ Visitor Information
It is our policy to promptly address any concerns or problems you may have during your stay. If you are unhappy about any aspect of your stay, we strongly encourage you to discuss the matter with the ward’s Nursing/Midwifery Unit Manager. Any complaints or comments you make will be treated confidentially and will not change in any way the care that is given to you now, or in the future.
You may also like to contact the hospital’s Clinical Practice Improvement Unit by phoning the Complaints Officer on (02) 9382 6822 between 8.00am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, or by emailing There is also an opportunity to tell your story by accessing ‘Patient Opinion’ on the hospital website. All matters will be held in the strictest confidence.
What is REACH?
We know you know yourself or the person you care for best.
REACH is an easy-to-use system to raise concerns if you notice a worrying change in your condition or that of your loved one.
Who can use REACH?
REACH can be used by patients currently admitted to our hospital and, by their family members or carers.
How does it work?
You may RECOGNISE a worrying change in your condition or that of your loved one.
We encourage you to ENGAGE with your nurse or doctor and tell them your concerns.
If you remain concerned or if the condition is getting worse, then ACT.
Ask to speak to the Nurse/Midwife in Charge and request a medical assessment called a "Clinical Review".
This should occur within 30 minutes.
If you are still worried make a REACH CALL.
The REACH phone number is displayed at the bedside: Ext 2222.
You can use the bedside phone or ask for a ward phone.
Your call will be answered by a senior staff member then HELP will be on its way.
Making the call
Tell the operator:
- Who you are – a patient, family member or carer.
- That you need a REACH call.
- The name of the ward.
- The bed number you, or the person you care for, is in.
Will I offend staff if I make a REACH call?
No. We want patients, family members and carers to be involved and help us create the best experience for you or the person you care for during your hospital stay.
In the event of an emergency, such as a fire or explosion, please follow the procedures below:
- Do not panic; our staff are trained to deal with emergency situations.
- Contact a staff member on the ward.
- If it is safe to do so, return to your room and stay beside your bed.
- Do not gather your personal belongings.
- Do not use the lifts.
- Wait for instructions from our staff and follow their requests in an orderly fashion, carefully and promptly.
Surgical site infections are a major source of postoperative illness. Showers are found to reduce skin bacteria. Two showers are advised, one the night before surgery and the second, preferably within two hours of the procedure. Use clean towels and clothes after each shower.
Handwashing/hand hygiene is the single most important measure in preventing and controlling infections.
Remember to wash your hands often and you have the right to ask health care workers to perform hand hygiene before and after they attend to you.
We will keep a confidential record of your condition and treatment. To access your medical records, simply phone the Randwick Campus Medical Records staff on (02) 9382 6550. A small administration fee will be charged.
A My Health Record has been created for every person with a Medicare or Department of Veterans’ Affairs card, unless you have chosen not to have one. Legislation has been passed where Australians can opt in or opt out of My Health Record at any time in their life.
Having a My Health Record means important health information – including allergies, medical conditions and treatments, medicine details and scan reports – can be accessed through one system. For more information, click here.
Your doctor will order any medication you will need during your stay at The Royal and this is provided by the hospital. The medication will be given to you and monitored by our staff. Please advise our staff of any medication you have taken at the time of your admission.
When you leave the hospital your doctor will write a prescription for any additional medication. You may visit the chemist on the campus or one closer to your home.
Our hospital has a campus security service that operates 24 hours a day. Officers regularly patrol all buildings and hospital grounds. A security officer will investigate any security breach, reports of theft, fire, or triggered duress alarms.
Campus Security Services will contact the appropriate external support, such as the police, where necessary.
Please note that the hospital does not accept any responsibility for the theft or damage of personal property.
All staff are required to wear photographic identity badges, which include their name, photograph and job title. Do not hesitate to ask the identity of anyone not wearing a badge. If a person without an identity badge approaches you and you are concerned, please alert a member of the staff.
In accordance with health regulations and for the comfort and health of babies, patients, staff and visitors, smoking is not permitted on the hospital grounds, walkways, entrances and car parks. You must leave the hospital campus to smoke or use the designated smoking areas.