Newborn Care Hospital in the Home (NC HiTH)

What is NC HiTH? 

The Royal Hospital for Women has launched a program that provides a hospital-in-the-home (HiTH) model of care for parents to care for their baby at home, whilst the baby gradually progresses from tube feeds to all suck feeds. This program allows these babies to start integrating with family life, and reduces the stress of the hospital environment experienced by you, the parents. You will be trained to tube feed your baby safely at home before leaving the hospital. The NC HiTH nurse (neonatal clinical nurse specialist) will continue to work with you, guide you with your baby’s care and continue to follow up whilst you are caring for your baby at home, and until your baby is ready to be fully discharged from the supervision of RHW Newborn Care. 

The TCC NC HiTH app will support communication of observations, reminders and escalation instructions. 

HiTH Parents Booklet

TCC NC HiTH Privacy Policy 

The TCC NC HiTH app (“the app”) is designed to monitor infants and their parents who are clinically managed from home by the RHW Newborn Care Centre clinical team to observe feeding, breathing, weight gain and temperature. Information from the app will be used by the team to monitor the infants health and progress to full sucking feed and adequate weight gain.

The RHW Newborn Care Centre clinical team provides care as part of The South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (“SESLHD”) (ABN: 70 442 041 439), SESLHD manages information obtained through the app in accordance with privacy laws in force in New South Wales and Australian privacy laws where applicable. SESLHD also complies with relevant NSW Ministry of Health policies. Additional privacy information can be found here Where permitted by law, SESLHD may disclose information to a third party if the disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to your life or health of you or another person.

Information from the app will only be used and disclosed by SESLHD for your healthcare. This includes sharing information with the team based at the RHW, your nominated healthcare providers and health professionals involved in your care and other directly related purposes. Information may be gathered automatically by the app or by your manual input. The app also receives notifications from the central server to remind users to enter data. The app does not capture or use any location data.

Information from the app is securely encrypted when it is sent and stored. The information is stored within Australian sovereignty and in accordance with NSW Ministry of Health privacy and security standards. SESLHD may collect, use and disclose de-identified app diagnostic information such as app usage patterns and crash reports. This allows the IT team to understand app use and improve the app in the future. Information collected through the app which is no longer required by SESLHD will be destroyed in accordance with applicable laws.

You have a right to apply for and request amendment of your information. Privacy enquiries should be directed to:

The Privacy Contact Officer, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

Post: Locked Mail Bag 21 Taren Point NSW 2229

Ph: 02 9382 7638
