Other Ways to Donate

In Memory Of

It is often hard to know how to commemorate a family member, friend or colleague who has passed away. A gift to The Sutherland Hospital in-memory of a loved one is a wonderful way to show your appreciation for the care and support you and your family received.

Your donation will be used to support the area of greatest need at The Sutherland Hospital, or you can direct it to a specific unit. 

Via the QR code which links you securely online to the NSW Health Donation Portal

Please click on the QR code below:

Image removed.


Community Engagement & Fundraising Office 

(02) 9540 7251


Leaving a gift in your Will

Bequests to Sutherland Hospital and Community Health Service are a vital source of our funding. By making a bequest to the hospital in your Will, you will help us to continue to provide services, programs and projects to our patients and community.

We recommend you discuss the type of bequest you intend to provide to the hospital with your family and solicitor prior to finalising your Will.

Bequest Wording

It is important that your bequest is worded correctly, and the following is recommended as a guide. You may wish to give this wording to the solicitor who is preparing your Will.

Residual Bequest

"I give and bequeath to Sutherland Hospital and Community Health Service for its general purposes, the residue of my Estate for which the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised Officer shall be an absolute discharge."

Percentage of Estate

"I give and bequeath to Sutherland Hospital and Community Health Service for its general purposes ...% of my estate for which the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised officer shall be an absolute discharge."

Pecuniary Bequest

"I give and bequeath to Sutherland Hospital and Community Health Service for its general purposes, the sum of $.... for which the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised Officer shall be an absolute discharge."

You may also specify what unit within the hospital you would like your bequest to assist, for example Cancer, Renal, Respiratory, Cardiology etc. Just substitute the name of the unit for “general purposes”. 

A Will is a legal document that clearly sets out your wishes for the distribution of your assets after your death. Having a clear, legally valid and up-to-date Will is the best way to ensure that your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes.

Sutherland Hospital and Community Health Service has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient and an income tax exempt charitable entity for tax purposes.