Other Services and Information

At Sutherland Hospital, we aim to provide the best health service possible. Feedback from patients, families and friends help us identify what is working well, as well as areas for improvement. We appreciate compliments and take complaints seriously. 

To resolve your issues as quickly as possible, we encourage you to ask to speak with the Nurse Unit Manager of your ward, or the Department Head. 

Alternatively you can write, telephone, e-mail or make an appointment to see the Hospital's Consumer Feedback Manager who can be contacted on telephone (02) 9540 8523. 
Written correspondence can be sent to
the General Manager,
The Sutherland Hospital, Locked Mail Bag 21,

E-mailed correspondence can be sent to: SESLHD-TSH-ConsumerFeedback@health.nsw.gov.au

Any complaints or comments you make will be treated confidentially and will not change in any way the care that is given to you now or in the future.


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Donations and monies raised through fundraising activities contribute to the provision of improved infrastructure and medical equipment for patient care.

The hospital and Fundraising Coordinator has developed strong links with service clubs, community organisations and volunteer groups, and has formed key partnerships with the corporate sector.

There are a number of ways in which you can help:

  • Fundraise on behalf of the hospital 
  • Make a donation 
  • Make an ‘in memoriam’ donation 
  • Make an ‘in lieu of’ gifts donation 
  • Leave a bequest under a Will 

If you would like to make a donation, please complete the donation envelope form in your bedside drawer or at the nurses’ station. If you would prefer to post your donation, please send it to the
Community Relations Department,
Sutherland Hospital, Locked Mail Bag 21,
Taren Point NSW 2229.

For further information please, contact the Fundraising Coordinator, Community Relations Department, on telephone (02) 9540 7251 or visit the Giving page.

Our staff are fully trained in emergency procedures. In the event of an emergency, you should stay by your bed until instructed otherwise by a hospital staff member. In the case of fire, do not use the lifts. All that is required of patients is to remain calm, stay within the ward until the Nurse in Charge guides patients to a safe area or fire escape stairs.

Patients can assist in preventing the spread of infections by washing their hands or using the hand rubs available. Visitors are requested to perform hand hygiene on arrival and after visiting you in hospital. Staff should always perform hand hygiene in front of you. As part of your role in the fight against infection, we hope you will remember, "It's ok to ask."

We ask all patients and visitors with signs or symptoms of cold or flu to cover their nose/mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. You may be asked to wear a mask. If spitting is necessary, please spit into a tissue and dispose of the tissue in the nearest rubbish bin. Hand hygiene should take place after any of these activities. If you have any diarrhoea or vomiting, please inform staff.

We also ask that visitors who have signs and symptoms of cold or flu or gastroenteritis, do not visit patients in hospital. Please ensure your vaccinations are up-to-date.

The hospital does not have the facilities to launder personal items of clothing.

There is a daily mail delivery service to the wards and the Ward Clerk will post stamped letters on your behalf. Letters should be addressed as follows:
Mr/Mrs/Ms (full name)
C/- Ward _____
Sutherland Hospital
Locked Mail Bag 21
Taren Point NSW 2229

Please ensure that a return address is also included, as mail will be returned to sender if the patient has been discharged before the mail arrives.

Sutherland Hospital is a smoke-free workplace. This is a NSW Ministry of Health requirement. This means that you are not allowed to smoke inside the buildings, on the balconies or throughout the hospital and grounds.

A telephone is available at your request for each bed on all general wards. A daily flat fee in advance will ensure its connection.  

 Public card/coin phones are located on all levels.

Most wards are fitted with bedside television sets which are available to patients at a charge. 

Bedside lockers are provided for each patient to store toiletries and other personal belongings. Patients should only bring to the hospital any property that is necessary to meet immediate needs. It is strongly recommended that patients do not wear jewellery and that they leave other valuables at home.

The hospital does not accept liability for loss or damage to property, unless it is officially lodged with the hospital for safekeeping.