Infection Control
Infection prevention and management at Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital involves provision of up-to-date policies, procedures and guidelines to facilitate safe work practices for all staff and consumers of our health care services. Our policies reflect the current Ministry of Health policy and other statutory documents and promote best practice.
The facility has a full time infection control clinical nurse consultant to coordinate the infection prevention and management program.
This program consists of
- A comprehensive infection control manual that provides an up-to-date resource for all staff
- Regular infection control meetings attended by a multidisciplinary team to review issues relating to infection prevention and management
- Coordination and evaluation of quality monitoring activities relating to infection
- Orientation program for all new staff
- In-service and education program for all staff
- Participation in policy review and development at a local, Area Health Service and state level
- Active involvement and participation in the review, development and lecture content of the post registration courses conducted at the hospital