How to participate as a consumer with South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

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“Becoming a consumer representative has allowed me to re-engage and give back to my community. It has boosted my self-confidence and made me feel worthwhile. My opinion is listened to.” – SESLHD Consumer Representative

Who is a consumer?

A consumer is a person that uses or is a potential user of health services together with their family, friends, and carers.

What is a consumer representative?

A consumer representative is someone who has chosen to become involved and provide advice, based on their own experiences and knowledge, with the ultimate aim of improving the local health services.

Consumer representatives are often involved with a committee, project or event and are able to provide a unique point of view, while also connecting with communities to find out their perspectives and experiences.

How do I become a consumer representative?

There are many different ways to participate as a consumer. This can be as simple as telling us your story, or you can also join a consumer committee

It does not matter how you choose to become involved, your voice makes a difference and your opinion is important to improving our health services and your community’s health.

For more information on how to become a consumer representative, please contact

What is involved in being a consumer representative?

It is your choice on how involved you want to be.

Surveys and online engagement can be done at home and usually do not require a lot of ongoing commitment.

If you decide to become involved in a group or committee, this may take more time, effort and commitment. We recognise this contribution and can pay you to participate in SESLHD activities. We can also offer you appropriate training and can provide other types of support to help you to become active and confident in a representative role. Please contact the Planning and Partnerships Team for more information.

Why should I become a consumer representative?

It is your healthcare right to share your experience and participate to improve the quality of care and health services.

Being a consumer representative invites you to have a real say in the way health services are provided to you and your community, no matter how you choose to engage.