A beacon of hope for pregnant women and new mums
The arrival of a child is often portrayed as a time of great joy and excitement, but for many women, it can be a time when life turns dark.
We know that 1 in 10 pregnant women and 1 in 5 and new mothers will suffer from mental health issues.
Many others grapple with intense feelings of anxiety and loneliness. But thanks to the District’s Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Service (PIMHS) many are able to recover and heal.
“Pregnancy and the early postpartum period are a time of great change and can be very challenging for some families,” said Danielle Pretty, the Eastern Suburbs PIMS Clinical Manager.
The service provides mental health care and support to hundreds of parents, their infants and families every year who are experiencing moderate to severe mental illness during pregnancy and the first two years of their child’s life.
Psychiatry, therapy and antenatal wellbeing groups are just some of the treatments offered by teams in the Eastern Suburbs, St George and Sutherland areas.
The teams focus on the parent-infant bond as well as maternal mental health. As well as face to face support, the team will use videos to provide parents, relatives and professionals with detailed and practical information.
It’s crucial work. The first postnatal year is critical to the development of healthy infant attachment, which in turn leads to emotional resilience and the ability to form trusting relationships throughout the child’s lifetime.