The Biggest Morning Tea
Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser is an important diary date at Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital (SSEH), with the hospital hosting its 16th consecutive Biggest Morning Tea and now considered ‘Royal Hosts’!
This year, the stall sold out in record time, thanks to the support of staff, patients (those not fasting for surgery!) and relatives. Congratulations to SSEH for raising $867, which will contribute to cancer research, new and improved treatments, prevention programs and crucial services that benefit patients and their families across NSW.
Despite the busy workloads of healthcare staff, Kay Maddison, Clinical Nurse Consultant Hands and Lynette Higgs, Nurse Manager Professional Development and Clinical Support said that it is heartwarming that staff find the time to bake and help out on the day. “This year, our Wellbeing Ambassador, Orthoptist Chantelle Robertson, jumped on board to assist and turns out, she just happens to be a fabulous baker as well.”
“We have lovely staff who come and buy morning tea for their colleagues and in some cases, their whole department. We also have those who donate without taking anything. There really isn’t a person who is not affected by cancer in some way and it is an important event that brings our whole hospital together, reinforcing the family spirit we have here at SSEH. We are also grateful to our Executive Team for their support to run the event,” said Kay and Lynette.