BreastScreen Clinic opens at Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital

Women who work and live in the CBD have improved access to free breast screens from now on after BreastScreen NSW opened its new clinic at Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital in Macquarie Street.

Women can call 13 20 50 to book a free appointment. The new Sydney BreastScreen Clinic is located in the hospital's Nightingale Wing.

Robyn Schubert, Director, BreastScreen, South Eastern Sydney and Illawarra, said the new clinic will make it even more convenient for women in the CBD to undergo the highly important health check during their working day.

“As a community, we all play an important role in encouraging and supporting the women in our workplace, home and social circle to put their health first,” Ms Schubert said. 

“We all have the ability to help protect the health of the women we know and care about. A friendly prompt, reminder, or a little encouragement, can be the thing that saves a woman’s life. 

“Twenty minutes every two years, shorter than an average lunch break, could save your life or the life of a woman you love.”

One in eight women in NSW will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Nine out of 10 women diagnosed with breast cancer have no known family history of the disease.

BreastScreen NSW provides free screening mammograms to help find breast cancer early, which improves survival rates. Screening mammograms can find breast cancers in the earliest stages, before signs or symptoms may be felt or noticed by a woman, or her doctor. 

Mammograms for women aged 50 to 74 years without symptoms are also available. Women aged 40 to 49 years and over 74 years are also welcome and eligible. BreastScreen NSW recommends women have a regular screening mammogram every two years. 

The NSW Government, through the Cancer Institute NSW, is investing more than $46.5 million into BreastScreen Screening and Assessment Services across NSW in 2018-19, including $7 million into South Eastern Sydney Illawarra’s Screening and Assessment Service. 

For more information on BreastScreen NSW, visit


Staff in pink t-shirts at reception desk