Sutherland Hospital improves day treatment experience for kids
The Sutherland Hospital was excited to open their new Procedures on Day (POD) in Gurung- the Child and Adolescent Unit on 31 July 2024.
The opening was attended by hospital staff and executive, two families who are currently using the new facility, as well as representatives from the Tradies Club whose generous donation supported the transformation of the former playroom into the new, purpose-built area.
The POD is a chair-based model of care where children receive intravenous infusion as well as pre and post-operative day treatment. The children can recline comfortably in the infusion chairs and watch television while they receive their treatment. Children who are attending hospital for pre and post-operative care can also utilise the space.
The hospital currently provides regular infusion treatment to between five and 10 children, with four POD chairs available for treatment. The new purpose-built space allows children and families to access higher quality care and a better treatment experience, while also freeing up acute ward beds for sick children who need them.
“The opening of the Procedure on Day (POD) means that we can offer family centred care that is close to home for children in the Sutherland Shire said Dr Alys Swindelhurst, Paediatric Head of Department, The Sutherland Hospital. ‘We look forward to being able to offer this service and amazing space to more children who currently have to travel out of the Sutherland Shire for specialist care”.