Taking action to end viral hepatitis
5 August 2024
Almost 300,000 people in Australia are living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C, putting them at increased risk of liver disease and liver cancer.
But this shouldn’t be the case. Hepatitis B has effective treatment and a vaccine. Hepatitis C has a cure and is preventable.
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) is committed to normalising testing and encouraging treatment access for hepatitis and has just wrapped up a successful Hepatitis Awareness Week (July 22-28).
In an incredible effort by SESLHD hospitals, health services and community, a range of events and activities took place across the District to improve access to testing, provide treatments, and challenge the stigma surrounding hepatitis. From dried blood spot and point-of-care testing to educational quizzes and promotional campaigns, the enthusiasm and participation has been overwhelming.
In the spirit of this year’s theme, “It’s Time for Action”, over 500 staff participated in the annual quiz, with hundreds of consumers and staff engaging in conversations and testing initiatives.
Phill Read, Director of Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus (SHBBV) Services, emphasised the importance of keeping this momentum going. "With a cure for hepatitis C and effective treatments for hepatitis B, it is wonderful to see such dedication across our District. Continuing to destigmatise, test, and treat will help us eliminate viral hepatitis in NSW,” said Phill.
Special thanks go to Drug and Alcohol Services, Mental Health, Kirketon Road Centre, St George Liver Clinic, HIV & Related Programs (HARP) Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital Infectious Diseases and many other services for their dedication in making Hepatitis Awareness Week such a success. A shout out to partners, Hepatitis NSW and their HepCured mobile mural (pictured).
Let’s continue to engage those who remain undiagnosed or untreated. Every action counts in the journey toward ending viral hepatitis.