Taking back control this World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Did you know that from 2019 to 2030, the number of people in the community aged over 60 is projected to grow by 38%? Did you also know that one in six of SESLHD’s older population currently experiences elder abuse?
War Memorial Hospital (WMH) knew this, and they have been preparing.
On a mission to raise awareness, WMH commemorated World Elder Abuse Awareness Day with an information stall and the presentation, ‘Taking Control of your Finances’ to its Day Centre clients.
As elder abuse can come in the form of financial abuse, clients were taught the importance of taking control of their finances through Enduring Powers of Attorney, Guardianship documents, and Wills.
Carolyn Odgers, lawyer for Justice Connect, a community legal centre which WMH has a health justice partnership with, has been providing ongoing educational and support to Day Centre clients and WMH inpatients & outpatients, helping them take control of their lives.
Genevieve Maiden, Allied Health and Integrated Care Manger has said that embedding Carolyn’s role in the multidisciplinary team has “addressed the legal issues that are impacting on our patients, allowing for an enhanced quality of life and rehabilitation outcomes”.
The confidence that Carolyn provides, enables WMH to actively focus on providing person-centred care.