Policies & Publications: Aged Care and Rehabilitation

Title Document Number Last Reviewed
Arranging Accommodation in Residential Aged Care Facilities SESLHDPR/265
Bedrails – Adult – for use in Acute and Subacute Care Settings SESLHDPR/421
Clinical Pathway Guideline SESLHDGL/037
COVID-19 Response – Aged Care Facility Rapid Response and Assessment SESLHDPR/677
Dealing with family conflict in end-of-life decision making - checklist for senior medical staff SESLHDGL/091
Delirium - Prevention, Assessment and Management of Delirium in Older People SESLHDPR/345
Management of the Deteriorating ADULT inpatient (excluding maternity) SESLHDPR/697
Occupational Therapy (OT) Home Visits for inpatients requiring assessment by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) SESLHDGL/090
Pressure Injuries - screening, preventing and managing SESLHDPD/326
Recognising and responding to abuse and violence of older people SESLHDPR/598
Restrictive practices with adult patients in acute and subacute settings SESLHDPR/483
Shared Care for adult patients admitted through the Emergency Department (not including acute Mental Health patients) SESLHDPR/206
Subcutaneous Administration of 4% Glucose and 0.18% Sodium Chloride in the treatment of hypernatraemia and dehydration in selected aged care patients with advanced dementia SESLHDGL/069
Wound - Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) SESLHDPR/205
Younger persons in hospital seeking Commonwealth funded Aged Care services SESLHDPR/741