Policies & Publications: Surgery, Perioperative and Anaesthetic

Title Document Number Last Reviewed
Acute Pain Management in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit: Intravenous Opioid Pain Protocol for Adults Fentanyl, HYDROmorphone (Dilaudid), Morphine and Oxycodone

Administration of Gastrografin™ in the treatment of Adhesional Small Bowel Obstruction SESLHDGL/055
Alum Bladder Irrigation - Prescribing and Administering Instructions SESLHDPR/704
Assessment and Management of Acute Adult Traumatic Brain Injury in the Emergency Department (ED) and Trauma wards using the Abbreviated – Westmead Post Traumatic Amnesia Testing (A-WPTAS) and Post Traumatic Amnesia Testing (PTA) SESLHDPR/737
Assessment of Ethambutol Optic Neuropathy SESLHDGL/107
Assessment of Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) Retinopathy SESLHDGL/106
Biometry and Ocular Ultrasonography SESLHDPR/749
Clinical Pathway Guideline SESLHDGL/037
Correct Identification of Medication and Solutions for Regional Anaesthetic Procedures SESLHDPR/242
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD): Infection control for at risk surgical patients SESLHDPR/508
Electronic Intraoperative Health Care Record - Responsibility and Accountability SESLHDPD/164
Leech Therapy (Medicinal) SESLHDGL/035
Management of Surgical Plume in the Perioperative Environment SESLHDPR/301
Management of the Deteriorating ADULT inpatient (excluding maternity) SESLHDPR/697
Medicine: Managing Intraoperative Medications SESLHDPR/209
Nursing Observation for Total and Completion Thyroidectomy SESLHDGL/046
Paediatric (greater than one year) Pain Protocol for use in Post Anaesthetic Care Units (PACU) SESLHDPR/612
Pain Management - Epidural Analgesia (Adult) non-obstetric SESLHDPR/324
Pain Management - Implantable Intrathecal Drug Delivery System SESLHDPR/294
Pain Management - Opioid Withdrawal in Patients on Long Term Opioid Medications SESLHDPR/603
Pain Management - Peripheral Nerve Analgesia (PNA) SESLHDPR/372
Perioperative Suite - Ensuring that only duly authorised persons are able to enter SESLHD Perioperative Suites SESLHDPR/207
Postoperative Mobilisation SESLHDGL/061
Pre-Operative / Procedural Fasting for Patients Undergoing Anaesthesia SESLHDGL/062
Reducing Cardiothoracic Surgical Site Infections through use of a Cardiothoracic Surgical Site Infection Care Bundle Guideline SESLHDGL/066
SESLHD Guide for Managing Elective Surgery Waitlists SESLHDGL/097
SESLHD Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) Discharge Guidelines, Post-Operative Adult and Maternity Patients SESLHDGL/049
Skin Traction: Application and Management SESLHDGL/094
Urokinase: Administration of Intra-Arterial Urokinase in Specific Clinical Areas SESLHDGL/038