
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District recognises that privacy is a key component in successful provision of health care services. The District is committed to safeguarding personal and health information in accordance with the requirements of the privacy Acts in New South Wales, which are the

Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 
and the
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998

The Acts set out ‘privacy principles’ that underpin how health and personal information are managed within our services.

Broadly, the principles set out requirements for the collection, storage, access, accuracy, use, disclosure, transfer and linkage of health and personal information. All staff, including doctors, nurses, administration and management are required to comply with these requirements, as well as a strict code of conduct which requires staff to maintain confidentiality. 

More specific information on how information is managed by SESLHD can be found in the Health Information Privacy Leaflet for Patients and the Privacy Information Leaflet for Staff

There are also other laws and obligations which can impact on how health and personal information is managed, including those relating to protection of children and young persons, public health and risks to health and safety.

Complaints about privacy can be managed in accordance with the general complaints process of each service and/or an aggrieved person may make an application for a privacy internal review to the Privacy Contact Officer. This is a formal review, in accordance with the privacy Acts described above, where an investigation occurs to assess the relevant conduct for compliance with the privacy principles. An applicant who is dissatisfied with the outcome of the review may apply to the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) for further examination of the matter. Further information can be found here.

For access to medical records, enquiries should be directed to the hospital or service from where the services were provided. Further details can be found here. 

Access to other government information can be sought in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, a process commonly referred to as freedom of information. More information can be found here.

For additional privacy information, please refer to the below resources:

NSW Health Privacy Manual for Health Information
NSW Health Privacy Management Plan 

SESLHD Privacy Management Annual Reports - 2021/22
SESLHD Privacy Management Annual Reports - 2020/21
SESLHD Privacy Management Annual Reports - 2019/20
SESLHD Privacy Management Annual Reports - 2018/19
SESLHD Privacy Management Annual Reports - 2017/18
SESLHD Privacy Management Annual Reports - 2016/17
SESLHD Privacy Management Annual Reports - 2015/16
SESLHD Privacy Management Annual Reports - 2010/2011-2014/2015

SESLHD Privacy Contact Officer 
Locked Mail Bag 21
Taren Point  NSW  2229
Ph:  02 9382 7638   

The NSW Information and Privacy Commission website