MDAAC Business Paper 3 August 2020
Click the following links to access the relevant section of the MDAAC Business Paper:
SESLHD MDAAC Agenda 3 August 2020
3. Confirmation of previous SESLHD Credentials Subcommittee Minutes and SESLHD MDAAC minutes
3.1 - SESLHD MDAAC Minutes 6 July 2020
4. Business Arising
4.2.3 - LABUSCHAGNE Gerhardus - VMO - Anaesthetics – SGH
4.2.4 - PATON Sophie - VMO - Emergency Medicine - SGH
4.2.5 - BOBADE Amit - HMO in Training - Orthopaedics - SGH
4.2.6 - LEPAR Gila - VMO - Anaesthetics – SGH
4.2.7 - BEECH Amanda - Staff Specialist - Endocrinology – RHW
4.2.8 - DWYER Alice - VMO - Perinatal Psychiatry – RHW
4.2.10 - WONG Daniel Lee – Staff Specialist - Geriatric Medicine – TSH
4.2.11 - WORTH Hayley - VMO - General Practice Medicine – TSH
4.2.12 - CHEN Lilly - VMO - General Practice Medicine – TSH
4.2.13 - CHWIEJCZAK Katarzyna - HMO in Training - Ophthalmology - SSEH
5. Selection Committee Reports
Prince of Wales Hospital
5.1 - POWH - Staff Specialist - Geriatrics - held 20 December 2019
Royal Hospital for Women
5.1 - RHW - Staff Specialist - Developmental Paediatrician - held 8 July 2020
St George Hospital
5.1 - SGH - Staff Specialist - Radiation Oncology - held 13 July 2020
5.1 - SGH - Staff Specialist - Paediatric Neurology - held 13 July 2020
5.1 - SGH - Staff Specialist - Radiologist - held 13 July 2020
5.1 - SGH - VMO - Anaesthetics - held 6 July 2020
Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
5.1 - SSEH - VMO - Oculo Oncology - held 22 June 2020
5.1 - SSEH - VMO - Oculo Plastics - held 22 June 2020
6. New Appointments for consideration by the Credentials Subcommittee and MDAAC
Prince of Wales Hospital
6.1 - NITCHINGHAM Anita - Staff Specialist - Geriatrics – POWH
6.2 - TORDA Adrienne - HMO - Infectious Diseases – POWH
Royal Hospital for Women
6.3 - GOLDSTEIN Silvia - Staff Specialist - Developmental Paediatrics – RHW
St George Hospital
6.4 - UPPAL Preena - Staff Specialist - Paediatric Neurology – SGH
6.5 - CHEN Nicholas - Staff Specialist - Radiology – SGH
6.6 - HO Kuan-Ching - Staff Specialist - Radiology – SGH
6.7 - KANG Arnold - Staff Specialist - Radiology – SGH
6.8 - MORUSUPALLI Aruna - Staff Specialist - Radiology – SGH
6.9 - ABDELATTI Mohamed - Staff Specialist - Radiology – SGH
6.10 - HESSELBERG Gina – Staff Specialist - Radiation Oncology – SGH
6.11 - SCOTT Robert - VMO - Anaesthetics – SGH
6.12 - KELLY Lucy - VMO - Anaesthetics – SGH
6.13 - BYE William - HMO - Gastroenterology – SGH
6.14 - COOK Ian - HMO - Gastroenterology – SGH
Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
6.15 - CONWAY Robert (Max) - VMO - Oculo Oncology – SSEH
6.16 - LIM Li-Anne - VMO - Oculo Oncology – SSEH
6.17 - TUMULURI Krishna - VMO - Oculo Plastics - SSEH
NSW Health Pathology
6.18 - ZHENG Shiying - Visiting Practitioner - Haematopathology & Clinical Haematology - NSWHP
7. Change to Scope of Clinical Practice for consideration by the Credentials Subcommittee and MDAAC
Prince of Wales Hospital
7.1 - BECKER Therese - Staff Specialist - Emergency Medicine – POWH
7.2 - CHIEW Angela - Staff Specialist - Emergency Medicine - POWH
Prince of Wales Hospital – Mental Health
7.3 - BOLTON Patrick - Senior Staff Specialist - General Practice - POWH MH
Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
7.4 - KARACONJI Tanya - Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology - SSEH
8. Other Requests for Consideration by the MDAAC
Prince of Wales Hospital
8.1 - WALTON Jane - Staff Specialist - Anaesthetics - POWH
St George Hospital
8.2 - DAVIS Jan Maree - Staff Specialist - Palliative Care - SGH
12. Reporting on the Monitoring of Doctors with Conditions placed on Medical Registration
Nil to date