MDAAC Business Paper 3 February 2020
Click the following links to access the relevant section of the MDAAC Business Paper:
Late Documentation for review by Committee
SESLHD MDAAC Agenda 3 February 2020
3. Confirmation of previous SESLHD Credentials Subcommittee Minutes and SESLHD MDAAC minutes
3.1 - SESLHD MDAAC Minutes 2 December 2019
4. Business Arising
4.1.1 - REYES Michael - HMO - Endocrinology – TSH
4.1.4 - PROIETTO Anthony - VMO - Gynaecological Oncology – RHW
4.1.5 - DUNSTAN Richard - VP - Paediatrics & Child Health Rehabilitation - RHW
4.2.2 - AL SHAHRANI Mohammad - HMO In Training - General Surgery – POWH
4.2.3 - FORBES Elayne - VMO - Emergency Medicine – POWH
4.2.4 - LAI Rosalyn - SS - Old Aged Psychiatry- SGH MH
4.2.5 - ANAND Manish - VMO - Psychiatry - SGH MH
4.2.7 - GUNKELMAN Ralph - VMO - Orthopaedics – TSH
4.2.9 - JACOBI Andrea - VMO - Psychiatry - SGH MH
4.2.10 - ABEYWICKREMA Buddhika Sanjeeva - SS - Radiology – SGH
4.2.11 - CHILD Peter - SS - Radiology – SGH
4.2.13 - CHUG Manish - SS - Radiology – SGH
4.2.14 - JAFARI MOUSAVI Foroogh - SS - Radiology – SGH
4.2.15 - POWER Mark - SS - Interventional Radiology – SGH
4.2.19 - PORTEK Ian - SS - Rheumatology – SGH
4.2.20 - CHEAH Jamie - VMO - Paediatrics – SGH
4.2.21 - KERDRAON Yves - CA - Ophthalmology – SSEH
4.2.22 - VAZE Anagha - HMO in Training - Ophthalmology – SSEH
4.2.23 - ARSIWALLA Tasneem - HMO in Training - Ophthalmology - SSEH
5. Selection Committee Reports
Prince of Wales Hospital
Staff Specialist - Geriatric Medicine - Held 20 December 2019
Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology – Held 6 December 2019
Staff Specialist - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Held 11 December 2019
Prince of Wales Hospital - Mental Health
Staff Specialist - Old Age Psychiatry - Held 3 July 2019
Royal Hospital for Women
Staff Specialist - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Held 6 November 2019
St George Hospital
Staff Specialist - Nephrology & Obstetric Medicine – Held 9 December 2019
VMO - Urology – Held 9 December 2019
Sutherland Hospital
Staff Specialist - Neurology – Held 17 Dec 2019
Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology - Held 13 November 2019
Lord Howe Island
VMO - General Practitioner - Held 16 January 2020
6. New Appointments for consideration by the Credentials Subcommittee and MDAAC
Prince of Wales Hospital
6.1 - BOROVIK Armand - SS - Ophthalmology - POWH
6.2 - WEERASINGHE Nilakshe - Staff Specialist - Geriatrics - POWH
6.3 - WONG Carrie - HMO in Training - Anaesthetics – POWH
6.4 - KIM Seung - VMO - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – POWH
6.5 - ZAFAR Mohammad - HMO in Training - Orthopaedics - POWH
6.6 - MCQUINN Alexander - HMO in Training - Interventional Neuroradiology – POWH
Prince of Wales Hospital - Mental Health
6.7 - CRAWFORD Alison - SS - Psychiatry Old Age - POWH MH
6.8 - LING Rebecca - HMO - General Practice - POWH MH
Royal Hospital for Women
6.9 - AUSTIN Kathryn - Staff specialist - Obstetrics and Gynaecology – RHW
St George Hospital
6.10 - MANGOS George - SS - Nephrology & Obstetric Medicine - SGH
6.11 - RANASINGHE Anudini - VMO - Urology – SGH
6.12 - ALTOUKHI Khaled - HMO in training - General Surgery - SGH
6.13 - CASTILLO Jose - HMO in training - Orthopaedics – SGH
6.14 - AL-HOUSNI, Hilal Salim - HMO in Training - Orthopaedics – SGH
Sutherland Hospital
6.15 - BALDWIN Chantal - Staff Specialist - Neurology – TSH
6.16 - TOMAZINI MARTINS Rodrigo - SS - Neurology - TSH
6.17 - VAN MEIRHAEGE Jan - HMO in Training - Orthopaedics – TSH
Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
6.18 - KARACONJI Tanya - Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology – SSEH
6.19 - LUSTHAUS Jed - Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology – SSEH
Lord Howe Island
6.20 - CLARKE Sandra Elizabeth - Staff Specialist - General Practice Medicine - Lord Howe Island
7. Change to Scope of Clinical Practice for consideration by the Credentials Subcommittee and MDAAC
St George Hospital - Mental Health
7.1 - CRAWFORD Alison - Staff Specialist - Psychiatry Aged Care - SGH MH
Prince of Wales Hospital - Mental Health
7.2 - TROLLOR Julian - CA - Psychiatry - POWH MH
Prince of Wales / St George Hospital
7.3 - GOLDBERG Hazel - VMO - Respiratory Physician - SGH POWH
Royal Hospital for Women
7.4 - THOMPSON Stephen - SSS - Radiation Oncology – RHW
7.5 - KARANTANIS Emmanuel - Staff Specialist - Gynaecology – RHW
7.6 - GNANAPPA Ganesh - Visiting Practitioner - Paediatric Cardiology – RHW
St George Hospital
7.7 - BAIRD Louise - Staff Specialist - Geriatric Medicine – SGH
7.8 - YOUSSEF Tony - Staff Specialist - Geriatric Medicine – SGH
8. Other Requests for Consideration by the MDAAC
St George Hospital
8.1 - BADVE, Monica - SS - Neurology - Elevation to Senior SS application
11. Correspondence
11.1 Memo to LHD re Commencement of NSWHP MDAAC - 17 Dec 19
12. Reporting on the Monitoring of Doctors with Conditions placed on Medical Registration
12.1 - KARIAPPA Sanjay - VMO - General Surgeon – TSH
13. New and Other Business
13.1 - Committee Performance Evaluation Form
13.2 - SESLHD MDAAC Register of Resolutions