MDAAC Business Paper 7 September 2020
Click the following links to access the relevant section of the MDAAC Business Paper:
SESLHD MDAAC Agenda 7 September 2020
3. Confirmation of previous SESLHD Credentials Subcommittee Minutes and SESLHD MDAAC minutes
3.1 - SESLHD MDAAC Minutes 3 August 2020
4. Business Arising
4.1.1 - PATFIELD Martyn - VMO - Psychiatry - TSH MH
4.1.2 - CHAN Agnes - VMO - Perinatal & Women's Health – RHW
4.2.3 - CURRAN Genevieve - VMO - Perinatal Psychiatry - RHW
4.2.5 - KANG Arnold - SS - Radiology – SGH
4.2.6 - ABDELATTI Mohamed - Staff Specialist - Diagnostic Radiology – SGH
4.2.7 - HESSELBERG Gina - Staff Specialist - Radiation Oncology - SGH
4.2.8 - BYE William - HMO - Gastroenterology – SGH
4.2.10 - CONWAY Robert - VMO - Ophthalmology – SSEH
4.2.11 - KARACONJI Tanya - Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology - SSEH
5. Selection Committee Reports
South Eastern Local Health District
Staff Specialist - Deputy Director Clinical Governance & Medical Services - held 11 August 2020
Prince of Wales Hospital
VMO - Neurology - held 28 February 2020
St George Hospital
Staff Specialist - Anaesthetics - held 10 August 2020
Staff Specialist - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - held 10 August 2020
Mental Health - Sutherland Hospital
Staff Specialist - Old Age Psychiatry - held 5 August 2020
Population & Community Health
Staff Specialist - Public Health Medicine - held 5 August 2020
6. New Appointments for consideration by the Credentials Subcommittee and MDAAC
South Eastern Local Health District
6.1 - SHEPHARD John - Staff Specialist - Medical Administration
Prince of Wales Hospital
6.2 - THOMPSON Julia - VMO - Neurology
6.3 - MELLICK Ross - HMO - Neurology
6.4 - SPIRA Paul - HMO - Neurology
6.5 - DRYNAN David - HMO in Training - Orthopaedics
6.6 - UNNITHAN Vishnu - HMO in Training - Orthopaedics
6.7 - VAN DUIJVENBODE Dennis - HMO in Training - Orthopaedics
6.8 - SIDDALL Philip - HMO - Pain Medicine
6.9 - ANAND Raj - HMO - Pain Medicine
St George Hospital
6.10 - SUSIC Daniella - Staff Specialist - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6.11 - BARRETT Johanna - Staff Specialist - Anaesthetics
6.12 - BREAKEIT Mohammad - HMO in training - General Surgery
6.13- BUKHARI Mujahid - HMO in Training - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Population & Community Health
6.14 - SHEPPEARD Vicky - Staff Specialist - Public Health Medicine
Sutherland Hospital
6.15 - REES Vanessa - HMO - Gastroenterology
6.16 - WU Betty - HMO - Gastroenterology
6.17 - KAMRA Akshay - HMO - Orthopaedics
Mental Health - Sutherland Hospital
6.18 - PANESAR Narinder - Staff Specialist - Old Age Psychiatry
Mental Health - Prince of Wales Hospital
6.19 - BRODATY Henry - HMO - Psychiatry
Royal Hospital for Women
6.20 - DUDLEY Jan - HMO - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
6.21 - VANCAILLIE Thierry - HMO - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6.22 - GOOI Alex E C – Visiting Practitioner - Cardiologist
6.23 - PINNER Jason - Visiting Practitioner - Cardiology
6.24 - GIUTRONICH Sarah - Visiting Practitioner - Paediatric Surgery
7. Change to Scope of Clinical Practice for consideration by the Credentials Subcommittee and MDAAC
Royal Hospital for Women
7.1 - GNANAPPA Ganesh - Visiting Practitioner - Cardiology
Eastern Suburbs Mental Health
7.2 - BOLTON Patrick – Senior Staff Specialist - Medical Administration
Mental Health - Prince of Wales Hospital
7.3 - PATON Michael - VMO - Psychiatry
Mental Health - St George Hospital
7.4 - VULOVIC Vendran - Staff Specialist - Psychiatry
Prince of Wales Hospital
7.5 - WARDMAN Daniel - HMO - Neurology
7.6 - WANG Justine - HMO - Neurology
Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
7.7 - SYMES Richard - Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology
8. Other Requests for Consideration by the MDAAC
St George Hospital
8.1 - YATES Kylie - Staff Specialist - Paediatrician
8.2 - LEE Dominic - VMO - Urology
Prince of Wales Hospital
8.3 - WONG Tang - VMO - Endocrinology
BreastScreen NSW
8.4 - STERBA Jamilla - VMO - Radiologist
11. Correspondence
11.1 - STEWART Greg - letter from Clinical Ethics Committee