Kidney Care Centre

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

We provide appointments with specialist renal doctors (nephrologists) for adults with all types of kidney disease including chronic kidney disease.

Chronic kidney disease means your kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood the way they should. The disease is called “chronic” because the damage to your kidneys happens slowly over a long period of time. This damage can cause wastes to build up in your body and other health problems.

We also care for people with high blood pressure, people with end stage kidney disease, people on dialysis and those who have had a kidney transplant

We specialise in the care of patients with:

  • High blood pressure and find it difficult to control 
  • High blood pressure who require 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
  • Proteinuria/albuminuria (protein or albumin in your urine)
  • Reduced kidney function
  • Recurrent kidney stones
  • Fluid or electrolyte imbalances, or 
  • Haematuria (blood in your urine).
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Location Details
Contact us
02 9382 4442 or 02 9382 4434

How to find us  

Kidney Care Centre, Level 3, Parkes Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 7 on our campus map)

Information about how to get to our Randwick campus

Location Media
Meta Description
Information on outpatient clinics for those with kidney disease.
Service Type

Our health care team includes specialist Doctors (nephrologists), transplant and access surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, allied health (social work, dieticians, pharmacists) and administration staff.






General Nephrology Clinic

Every day

8.30 am - 11.30 am

12.30 pm - 3.30pm


Resistant Hypertension Clinic

1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month

2.00 pm - 4.00 pm

Dr Kang & A/Prof Kotwal

Acute Kidney Injury Clinic

Every Friday morning

9.00 am - 11.00 am

Prof Endre, Dr Erlich, A/Prof Kotwal and Dr Kang

You will need a referral form from your GP or specialist to use this service. Please ask them to fill in this referral form. Please fax to: 02 9382 4413 or email:

Once our Doctors review your referral letter we will contact you via phone or letter with your first appointment time and date.

To cancel or change an appointment, please call: 02 9382 4442 or email:  

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

For more information on treatments visit: Kidney Health Australia.

Renal Ward (Kidney ward)

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

Our service helps you if you kidney disease and need care in Hospital. We care for people who have had a kidney transplant, dialysis patients and any other kidney related medical problem.  

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9382 4611 or 02 9382 4649

Nurse Unit Manager

Ms Qiuyue (Stella) Chen

How to find us

Renal Ward, Level 4, Dickinson Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 15 on our campus map)

Information about how to get to our Randwick campus

Location Media
Meta Description
Renal inpatient ward information
Service Type

We are a team of specialised renal nurses and Doctors and we work with allied health professionals (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social work etc). We care for you if you are staying in our Hospital ward.

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

For more information visit Kidney Health Australia.

Renal Ward (Kidney ward)

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

Our service helps you if you kidney disease and need care in Hospital. We care for people who have had a kidney transplant, dialysis patients and any other kidney related medical problem.  

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9382 4611 or 02 9382 4649

Nurse Unit Manager

Ms Qiuyue (Stella) Chen

How to find us

Renal Ward, Level 4, Dickinson Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 15 on our campus map)

Information about how to get to our Randwick campus

Location Media
Meta Description
Renal inpatient ward information
Service Type

We are a team of specialised renal nurses and Doctors and we work with allied health professionals (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social work etc). We care for you if you are staying in our Hospital ward.

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

For more information visit Kidney Health Australia.

Kidney Transplant Services - East Coast Renal Services

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

Our service helps you if you have advanced kidney disease and need a kidney transplant. A kidney transplant is a surgery to place a healthy kidney from a living or deceased person into a person whose kidney is no longer working properly.

We perform over 50 kidney transplants a year at Prince of Wales Hospital. Before and after the procedure people are cared for by their local Hospital either St George Hospital, Wollongong Hospital, Sydney Children’s Hospital or St Vincent’s Hospital.

Our services include:

  • assessing whether a transplant is a suitable treatment for you
  • assessing those who want to donate a kidney
  • providing education to donors and recipients and their families
  • biopsy and transplant pathology
  • telephone or videoconference services
  • yearly follow up of transplant recipients.

Our Transplant service is one of the oldest in Australia and performed the first kidney transplant in NSW on 5 August 1965 - this was only the second successful kidney transplant in Australia.

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9382 4434

Director of East Coast Transplant Service

Dr Karen Keung      

Contact a Renal Transplant Physician

Phone: 02 9382 4473

Contact a Transplant Coordinator

Phone: 0428 133 180

Opening hours

8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday

How to find us

Kidney Care Centre, Level 3, Parkes Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 7 on our campus map)

Information about how to get to our Randwick campus

Location Media
Meta Description
Prince of Wales Hospital Transplant Services
Service Type

Our transplant team includes doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists and a dietician. Our team will explain what kidney transplant options are available, what is involved in a kidney transplant and can help you decide what option is best for you.

Our specialists

Director of East Coast Transplant Service


Dr Karen Keung


Transplant Physician

Dr Mangalee Fernando


Transplant Physician

Dr Grant Luxton


Transplant Physician

Dr Kenneth Yong


Transplant Physician

Dr Sara Stoler

MBBCh, FCP(SA) MMED, Cert Neph (SA) Phys, FRACP


Our Transplant Coordinators

Denise Lawrence

Phone: 9382 4437

Hayley Pippard

Phone: 9382 4443


Patients with chronic kidney disease are eligible for transplant assessment. There is a kidney transplant waiting list. Your Nephrologist will arrange for you to have many tests to see if a transplant is a suitable treatment for you.

When you get on the transplant list, you can expect to wait at least 3 – 5 years for a transplant. You will need to have regular tests and keep healthy during this time. You need to make sure we can contact you at all times.

Our doctor will call you and ask you questions. If the Doctor is happy to proceed they will ask you to go to Prince of Wales Hospital for your transplant. Most patients stay in hospital for 5 – 14 days. When you leave Hospital, you will have a schedule of regular follow up appointments which are essential to attend.

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

Kidney Transplant Services - East Coast Renal Services

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

Our service helps you if you have advanced kidney disease and need a kidney transplant. A kidney transplant is a surgery to place a healthy kidney from a living or deceased person into a person whose kidney is no longer working properly.

We perform over 50 kidney transplants a year at Prince of Wales Hospital. Before and after the procedure people are cared for by their local Hospital either St George Hospital, Wollongong Hospital, Sydney Children’s Hospital or St Vincent’s Hospital.

Our services include:

  • assessing whether a transplant is a suitable treatment for you
  • assessing those who want to donate a kidney
  • providing education to donors and recipients and their families
  • biopsy and transplant pathology
  • telephone or videoconference services
  • yearly follow up of transplant recipients.

Our Transplant service is one of the oldest in Australia and performed the first kidney transplant in NSW on 5 August 1965 - this was only the second successful kidney transplant in Australia.

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9382 4434

Director of East Coast Transplant Service

Dr Karen Keung      

Contact a Renal Transplant Physician

Phone: 02 9382 4473

Contact a Transplant Coordinator

Phone: 0428 133 180

Opening hours

8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday

How to find us

Kidney Care Centre, Level 3, Parkes Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 7 on our campus map)

Information about how to get to our Randwick campus

Location Media
Meta Description
Prince of Wales Hospital Transplant Services
Service Type

Our transplant team includes doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists and a dietician. Our team will explain what kidney transplant options are available, what is involved in a kidney transplant and can help you decide what option is best for you.

Our specialists

Director of East Coast Transplant Service


Dr Karen Keung


Transplant Physician

Dr Mangalee Fernando


Transplant Physician

Dr Grant Luxton


Transplant Physician

Dr Kenneth Yong


Transplant Physician

Dr Sara Stoler

MBBCh, FCP(SA) MMED, Cert Neph (SA) Phys, FRACP


Our Transplant Coordinators

Denise Lawrence

Phone: 9382 4437

Hayley Pippard

Phone: 9382 4443


Patients with chronic kidney disease are eligible for transplant assessment. There is a kidney transplant waiting list. Your Nephrologist will arrange for you to have many tests to see if a transplant is a suitable treatment for you.

When you get on the transplant list, you can expect to wait at least 3 – 5 years for a transplant. You will need to have regular tests and keep healthy during this time. You need to make sure we can contact you at all times.

Our doctor will call you and ask you questions. If the Doctor is happy to proceed they will ask you to go to Prince of Wales Hospital for your transplant. Most patients stay in hospital for 5 – 14 days. When you leave Hospital, you will have a schedule of regular follow up appointments which are essential to attend.

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

Dialysis Services

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

We provide dialysis services for adults in hospital as well as those in the community. You need dialysis when your kidneys have difficulty filtering your blood. Dialysis is a treatment that:

  • Removes waste, salts and extra water from your body
  • Helps control your blood pressure
  • Keeps a safe level of chemicals in your blood.

We provide two different types of dialysis:

  • Haemodialysis is when your blood is pumped out of your body and cleaned through a filtering machine and then replaced.
  • Peritoneal dialysis works inside your body using inside lining of your belly to act as a natural filter. A sterile fluid is washed in and out of your belly to clean your blood.
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Location Details
Contact us
Please call the relevant service:

Prince of Wales Hospital Acute Haemodialysis Unit


02 9382 4438 or 02 9382 4439

Clinical (Medical) Lead 

A/Prof Sradha Kotwal

Nurse Unit Manager 

Philip Jarvis

Opening hours

7:00am - 10:00pm, Monday - Saturday. Closed on Sundays.

How to find us

Level 3, Parkes Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 7 on our campus map)


Home Therapies Training Unit


02 9382 4438 or 02 9382 4439


Claire Marshall and Jennifer Micali

Opening hours

8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday. Closed on weekends. 

24 hour support phone numbers

8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday call mobile: 0411 414 253

7.00am - 10.00pm, Saturdays call: 02 9369 0309

10.00pm - 7.00am, Mondays to Saturdays and all day Sundays and Public Holidays call our switchboard on: 02 9382 1111 and ask for the haemodialysis on-call nurse

How to find us

Level 2, Parkes Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 7 on our campus map)


War Memorial Hospital Satellite Haemodialysis - EORA Unit


02 9369 0216 or 02 9369 0309       

Nursing Unit Manager

Ms Huiling (Olive) Zhao

Opening hours 

7:00am - 3:30pm, Monday - Fridays. Closed weekends.

After hours support phone number

4:00pm - 10:00pm, Monday - Friday call: 02 9369 0309

How to find us

Vickery Building, War Memorial Hospital, 125 Birrell St, Waverley.

Location Media
Meta Description
Dialysis services at Prince of Wales Hospital.
Service Type

Our health care team includes specialist Doctors (nephrologists), access surgeons, anaesthetists, specialised nurses, allied health (social work, dieticians, pharmacists) and administration staff.

Home Therapies Training Unit – Prince of Wales Hospital Parkes Building 2 East

We provide education and support for people who have haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatments at home. We have a 24 hour on-call service for patients.

Prince of Wales Hospital Acute Haemodialysis Unit – Parkes Building 3 West

We provide haemodialysis for people who have:

  • Acute kidney disease – this means it happens suddenly
  • End-stage kidney disease – this is when your kidneys can no longer function on their own and you require life-long dialysis

If you require dialysis, you will need to have it a number of times a week for the rest of your life. Our dialysis unit operates 6 days a week and is only closed on Sundays. We also provide an after-hours service as needed 7 days a week.

War Memorial Hospital Satellite Haemodialysis EORA Unit – Vickery Building

We provide haemodialysis at the War Memorial Hospital for people who are well and independent and able to assist with their dialysis. We provide dialysis 6 days a week.


If you need dialysis, you will need to meet with one of our kidney specialists. To arrange this first appointment, you need a referral from your local Doctor (GP) or specialist doctor. Ask them to fax the referral to: (02) 9382 4409Once our Doctors review your referral letter we will contact you via phone or letter with your appointment time and date.

This first appointment will take up to an hour. Our specialists will discuss with you the type of dialysis and which service will be best for you. 

Once you start dialysis you will need to have it a number of times a week. If you need to cancel or change a dialysis appointment please call the relevant service.

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

For more information about dialysis visit: Kidney Health Australia


Dialysis Services

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

We provide dialysis services for adults in hospital as well as those in the community. You need dialysis when your kidneys have difficulty filtering your blood. Dialysis is a treatment that:

  • Removes waste, salts and extra water from your body
  • Helps control your blood pressure
  • Keeps a safe level of chemicals in your blood.

We provide two different types of dialysis:

  • Haemodialysis is when your blood is pumped out of your body and cleaned through a filtering machine and then replaced.
  • Peritoneal dialysis works inside your body using inside lining of your belly to act as a natural filter. A sterile fluid is washed in and out of your belly to clean your blood.
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Location Details
Contact us
Please call the relevant service:

Prince of Wales Hospital Acute Haemodialysis Unit


02 9382 4438 or 02 9382 4439

Clinical (Medical) Lead 

A/Prof Sradha Kotwal

Nurse Unit Manager 

Philip Jarvis

Opening hours

7:00am - 10:00pm, Monday - Saturday. Closed on Sundays.

How to find us

Level 3, Parkes Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 7 on our campus map)


Home Therapies Training Unit


02 9382 4438 or 02 9382 4439


Claire Marshall and Jennifer Micali

Opening hours

8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday. Closed on weekends. 

24 hour support phone numbers

8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday call mobile: 0411 414 253

7.00am - 10.00pm, Saturdays call: 02 9369 0309

10.00pm - 7.00am, Mondays to Saturdays and all day Sundays and Public Holidays call our switchboard on: 02 9382 1111 and ask for the haemodialysis on-call nurse

How to find us

Level 2, Parkes Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 7 on our campus map)


War Memorial Hospital Satellite Haemodialysis - EORA Unit


02 9369 0216 or 02 9369 0309       

Nursing Unit Manager

Ms Huiling (Olive) Zhao

Opening hours 

7:00am - 3:30pm, Monday - Fridays. Closed weekends.

After hours support phone number

4:00pm - 10:00pm, Monday - Friday call: 02 9369 0309

How to find us

Vickery Building, War Memorial Hospital, 125 Birrell St, Waverley.

Location Media
Meta Description
Dialysis services at Prince of Wales Hospital.
Service Type

Our health care team includes specialist Doctors (nephrologists), access surgeons, anaesthetists, specialised nurses, allied health (social work, dieticians, pharmacists) and administration staff.

Home Therapies Training Unit – Prince of Wales Hospital Parkes Building 2 East

We provide education and support for people who have haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatments at home. We have a 24 hour on-call service for patients.

Prince of Wales Hospital Acute Haemodialysis Unit – Parkes Building 3 West

We provide haemodialysis for people who have:

  • Acute kidney disease – this means it happens suddenly
  • End-stage kidney disease – this is when your kidneys can no longer function on their own and you require life-long dialysis

If you require dialysis, you will need to have it a number of times a week for the rest of your life. Our dialysis unit operates 6 days a week and is only closed on Sundays. We also provide an after-hours service as needed 7 days a week.

War Memorial Hospital Satellite Haemodialysis EORA Unit – Vickery Building

We provide haemodialysis at the War Memorial Hospital for people who are well and independent and able to assist with their dialysis. We provide dialysis 6 days a week.


If you need dialysis, you will need to meet with one of our kidney specialists. To arrange this first appointment, you need a referral from your local Doctor (GP) or specialist doctor. Ask them to fax the referral to: (02) 9382 4409Once our Doctors review your referral letter we will contact you via phone or letter with your appointment time and date.

This first appointment will take up to an hour. Our specialists will discuss with you the type of dialysis and which service will be best for you. 

Once you start dialysis you will need to have it a number of times a week. If you need to cancel or change a dialysis appointment please call the relevant service.

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

For more information about dialysis visit: Kidney Health Australia


Kidney Services

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

We care for you if you have problems related to your kidneys or high blood pressure. We also look after you if you have unusual levels of electrolytes (including sodium and potassium) in your body. Kidney disease includes kidney stones, cysts, inflammation of the filters in your kidneys, cancer or damage caused by diabetes, infection or high blood pressure.

We provide:

  • Care for patients who are in Prince of Wales Hospital, The Royal Hospital for Women or Sydney Children’s Hospital
  • Assessment if you need dialysis
  • Haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
  • Kidney transplant
  • Dialysis in your home
  • Day procedures such as inserting a permanent tube for dialysis or giving special medicines.

Our health care team includes specialist Doctors (nephrologists), transplant and access surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, allied health (social work, dieticians, pharmacists) and administration staff.

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9382 4473

Head of Department

Professor Zoltan Endre


Dadevya Gutierrez

Opening hours

8.00 am - 4.30 pm Monday - Friday.

How to find us

Level 3, High Street Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 2 on our campus map)

Information about how to get to our Randwick campus


Location Media
Meta Description
Kidney Services at Prince of Wales Hospital
Service Type
Dialysis Services
Kidney Transplant
Renal Ward
Kidney Supportive Care
Kidney Care Centre - Outpatients Clinics
Nephrology team

Kidney Services

Member for

7 years 1 month
Submitted by Jacqueline.Ste… on

How we can help you

We care for you if you have problems related to your kidneys or high blood pressure. We also look after you if you have unusual levels of electrolytes (including sodium and potassium) in your body. Kidney disease includes kidney stones, cysts, inflammation of the filters in your kidneys, cancer or damage caused by diabetes, infection or high blood pressure.

We provide:

  • Care for patients who are in Prince of Wales Hospital, The Royal Hospital for Women or Sydney Children’s Hospital
  • Assessment if you need dialysis
  • Haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
  • Kidney transplant
  • Dialysis in your home
  • Day procedures such as inserting a permanent tube for dialysis or giving special medicines.

Our health care team includes specialist Doctors (nephrologists), transplant and access surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, allied health (social work, dieticians, pharmacists) and administration staff.

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9382 4473

Head of Department

Professor Zoltan Endre


Dadevya Gutierrez

Opening hours

8.00 am - 4.30 pm Monday - Friday.

How to find us

Level 3, High Street Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 2 on our campus map)

Information about how to get to our Randwick campus


Location Media
Meta Description
Kidney Services at Prince of Wales Hospital
Service Type
Dialysis Services
Kidney Transplant
Renal Ward
Kidney Supportive Care
Kidney Care Centre - Outpatients Clinics
Nephrology team

It's official: it's hip to be operated on at Prince of Wales Hospital.