Policies & Publications: Nursing and Midwifery

Title Document Number Last Reviewed
Administration of a formulation of a medication other than that ordered within an electronic medication management system SESLHDPR/767
Administration of Gastrografin™ in the treatment of Adhesional Small Bowel Obstruction SESLHDGL/055
Application of Heat or Cold Therapy SESLHDGL/073
Career Break Scheme for Nurses and Midwives SESLHDPR/768
Clinical Pathway Guideline SESLHDGL/037
Clinical Supervision of Nurses and Midwives Guidelines SESLHDGL/027
Co-location of Children and Adults in SESLHD Facilities SESLHDPR/286
Communication and Response Protocol for Border Health Incidents Related to an Infectious Disease SESLHDPR/729
Electronic Intraoperative Health Care Record - Responsibility and Accountability SESLHDPD/164
Framework for Managing Nursing and Midwifery Staff with Identified Practice Issues SESLHDPD/270
Grading, Regrading and Reclassification - Nursing and Midwifery SESLHDPR/761
Heparin - Anticoagulation with Intravenous Heparin Sodium Infusion

Management of the Deteriorating ADULT inpatient (excluding maternity) SESLHDPR/697
Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) Students - Guideline for Managers SESLHDGL/108
Medication Administration by Enrolled Nurses SESLHDPD/160
Nursing and Midwifery Delegation: Ordering of Pathology and Imaging in eMR SESLHDPD/303
Nursing and Midwifery Registration SESLHDPD/030
Observation of the neonate following instrumental delivery SESLHDPR/414
Postoperative Mobilisation SESLHDGL/061
Pre-Operative / Procedural Fasting for Patients Undergoing Anaesthesia SESLHDGL/062
Pressure Injuries - screening, preventing and managing SESLHDPD/326
Safe Handling and Management of Monoclonal Antibodies SESLHDPR/368
SESLHD Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) Discharge Guidelines, Post-Operative Adult and Maternity Patients SESLHDGL/049
Student Clinical Placements in SESLHD Facilities SESLHDPR/326 
Support for Breastfeeding Employees in SESLHD SESLHDPR/413
Uniform and Dress Code SESLHDPR/281
Urinary Catheter Management in the Community Setting SESLHDGL/065
Women who choose to refuse recommended monitoring and treatment in Maternity Services in SESLHD SESLHDPR/482
Wound - Antiseptic Dressing SESLHDPR/750
Wound - Assessment and Management

Wound - Clinical Digital Photography SESLHDPR/285
Wound - Graduated Compression Therapy (GCT) in Venous Disease SESLHDPR/398 
Wound - High Risk Foot Ulcer Management SESLHDPR/653
Wound - Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) SESLHDPR/205
Wound - Management of Hypergranulation Tissue SESLHDPR/400
Wound - Managing Pain at Dressing Change SESLHDPR/437
Wound - Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) SESLHDPR/728
Wound - Skin Assessment and Care/Management SESLHDPR/547
Wound Debridement SESLHDPR/348
Wound Management Referrals SESLHDPR/680