Youth Health Program
Young people (12–25 years) represent 18% of the population of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD). Many young people face significant challenges in relation to their health and wellbeing. Young people do not fit neatly into mainstream health services that target adults or children and require health services that are creative, diverse and responsive to their particular needs.
The Youth Health Program coordinates a district-wide response to youth health to improve health outcomes and service access for young people across SESLHD, particularly those who are at higher risk of poor health.
The Youth Health Program works in partnership with consumers, SESLHD services, and government and non-government organisations to:
Build the capacity of services and programs to meet the health and wellbeing needs of young people in SESLHD
Coordinate projects and initiatives that improve the health outcomes of vulnerable young people
Facilitate consumer participation and health service collaboration with young people
Develop district wide strategies that support the provision of responsive and accessible health services for young people

One-day workshops for SESLHD health professionals on providing youth services
Community-based research and projects
NSW Youth Health Framework goals
Our population profile of young people in the district and the issues and challenges they face

Helpful resources and links