New Clinic to test
this is a clinic to test There has been longstanding advice regarding avoiding valproate in women of child-bearing potential due to teratogenic risk, however a retrospective observational study looking at electronic medical records in three European Nordic countries has indicated an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) in children (aged 0 to 11 years) born to men treated with valproate in the 3 months before conception, compared with those treatment with lamotrigine or levetiracetam. 12
The Product Information (PI) for various brands of valproate have been updated to include precautionary information about the increased risk of NDDs in children born to men treated with valproate during the time of conception.

some additional information about hours

Hand Unit
How we can help you (What we do)
The Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital Hand Unit cares for patients with hand and wrist conditions.
Where are we located?
The Hand Unit is on the second floor of the main building.
The three areas of The Hand Unit are:
• In-patient ward
• The Hand Clinic
• The Hand Therapy Department.
Medical Staff are available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
Sydney, NSW, 2001
Visiting hours:
10am to 8pm
Hand Clinic: +61 2 9382 7201
Hand Ward: +61 2 9382 7198
Hand Therapy: +61 2 9382 7201
Hand Surgery: +61 2 9382 7201
-33.8684884, 151.2124807

Any person with a hand, wrist or forearm injury or condition.
Our team includes:
- hand doctors
- hand nurses
- hand therapists
- social workers
- clerical staff
Our team will help you:
• learn about your hand surgery/condition
• help you to look after your hand after your injury
• give you information about your hand injury
• give support to you or family/carer
We work with:
- your local family doctor
- local hand therapy clinics
- local community nurse
We all work together to help with your care and recovery.
The Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital Hand Unit provides:
- surgery
- medical reviews
- hand clinic education
- hand therapy education