Dermatology Department

Member for

7 years 6 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on

Dermatologists are specialist medical doctors who provide care and treatment for skin, hair and nail diseases.


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Location Details
Contact us
02 9113 2513
02 9113 2297
Street address
Ground Floor, Outpatient Department,
Prince William Wing,
St George Public Hospital

Clinic Location: 
Ground Floor, Outpatient Department, 
Prince William Wing, St George Hospital

Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm

Dermatology Department Enquiries, please contact the Dermatology Department on:
Phone: 9113 2543 
Fax: 02 9113 2906. 

Location Media

-33.9676303, 151.1334852

Meta Description
St George Hospital Dermatology Department
Service Type

Professor Murrell is Head of the Dermatology Department at St George Hospital since 2004.  Professor Murrell graduated from Oxford University Medical School and trained in medicine and dermatology in the UK and USA as well as in Sydney.  She holds doctorates from UNSW and Oxford Universities for her research.

Professor Murrell runs a clinical trial centre for skin diseases and lectures globally on autoimmune and genetic skin diseases.

Dr Lara-Rivero is an overseas-trained Dermatologist fully qualified by the Australasian College of Dermatologists and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency who works as a consultant dermatologist in private practices across Sydney and the public practice is based in St George Hospital. He is involved in educational activities for medical students, overseas-trained dermatologists and post-graduate medical officers.

Dr Lara-Rivero has published articles in local and international peer-reviewed journals and has also presented at local meetings for fellow dermatologists and GPs. His areas of interest include medical dermatology, urticaria, eczema, contact dermatitis and patch testing, and male genital dermatology.


Wednesday Afternoon:  13.00 - 16.00 (a paediatric dermatology clinic occurs once a month)

Friday Morning: 08:00 – 12:00 (alternating between outpatient clinics and clinics for biopsies run by the trainee)


Conditions treated at St George Hospital include, but may not be limited to:

  • Moderate to severe inflammatory acne (when the lesions are numerous, leaving bad scarring and / or post-inflammatory pigmentation)
  • Hair loss (excepting male or female pattern hair loss). Intralesional corticosteroids for alopecia is not currently performed in our department
  • Eczema / dermatitis: including atopic, seborrhoeic, contact (irritant and allergic). Patch testing for allergic contact dermatitis is not being currently performed in our department
  • Chronic urticaria (>6 weeks of symptoms)
  • Psoriasis
  • Pigmentary disorders such as vitiligo
  • Skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, Merkel cell carcinoma). Please attach of the corresponding biopsy report to the referral
  • Nail disorders (except for tinea / fungal infection) - a negative nail fungal microbiology report must be attached to the referral for this purpose
  • Genital rashes where a sexually-transmitted infections has been ruled out (a negative STI screening must be attached to the referral)

Exceptions – conditions or patients not managed by the department

This service does not offer treatment for the following:

  • Patients being treated for the same condition at another NSW hospital (special arrangements can be made for children under 18 years of age via CARS - Children Acute Review Service)
  • Routine skin checks (only provided for high-risk patients e.g. solid organ transplant patients or with more than 5 skin cancers). Refer to the NSW Health and SESLHD supported skin cancer service at Integrated Specialist Healthcare Service:
  • Venous ulceration and venous ulcers (refer to Vascular Surgery)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (refer to ID)
  • Cosmetic Conditions and Treatments (post-acne scars or pigmentation, post-inflammatory pigmentary changes, facial rejuvenation, superficial varicose veins, wrinkles, lipodystrophy or lipoatrophy, among others)
  • Seborrhoeic keratoses
  • Laser Dermatology
  • Warts (for warts that have persisted for more than 6 months despite treatment, please specify in the referral the number and type of treatments that has been used)
  • Blistering diseases (to be referred to Prof Murrell Bullous Diseases clinic in her Kogarah private rooms)

Please keep in mind that due to a very high demand of our services, failure to attend to the appointments more than once will make the patient to be discharged back to their treating GP. If the patient's condition requires it, the referring doctor will re-send a new referral and the referral will be re-triaged. For the same reason, unless the patient has multidisciplinary care at SGH, we are no longer accepting patients outside of our catchment area


The process for referring a patient is:

  1. GP/referrer to send through referral via Fax 02 9113 2297 or Email
  2. The referral will be checked to ensure it is valid. If not valid then extra information will be sourced from the referrer
  3. If valid the referral will be triaged by dermatology clinic doctor
  4. Appointment made as per doctor's recommendation
  5. Patient notified by confirmation letter as well as a text / call 1 week prior to appointment

A valid referral requires:

  1. Written by a medical practitioner in a private practice or an SMO
  2. Written to a named doctor within the clinic
  3. Signed and dated by referring practitioner and include their Provider Number and place of practice
  4. Include length of referral, unless it is a 12-month referral
  5. Patient to have signed financial consent form
  6. If an interpreter is required
  7. If it is for further follow up, please specify the condition for which the patient has been attending our department

All referrals are prioritised and allocated according to criteria.

You can contact us by telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450.

Tell the operator what language you speak, and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and us on 02 9113 2513.


Diabetes Education Centre

Member for

7 years 6 months
Submitted by anuradha.jayanti on

The SGH Diabetes team aims to achieve highly integrated, coordinated and timely Diabetes health care services to patients to prevent acute hospitalisations, reduce complications, improve education and coordinated pathways of Diabetes Care in all health care settings (primary, tertiary and community).

The aims of the SGH Diabetes team are to:

  • Empower patients/carers to manage their diabetes condition effectively through the provision of structured diabetes self-care education programs.
  • Enhance the patient journey and experiences for patients living with diabetes and carers when accessing diabetes services within the outpatient and hospital settings.
  • Integrate care delivery between diabetes specialists, tertiary care providers, primary care and the diabetes service.
  • Promote effective communication amongst health care providers to enhance patients’ safety and improved coordinated care providing timely and appropriate appointments.

The service is a Nurse-Led clinic with Diabetes Nurse Educators, Dietitians, Psychologist and Administrative team. We consult with our SGH Endocrinology team daily as required for clinical advice.  

Services provided include:

  • Ambulatory Outpatient Insulin Stabilisation Program which is overseen by our Endocrinology Team – 6 Weeks.
  • Diabetes Education and Management for Adults and Children
  • Diabetes Education and Management for Women with GDM
  • Dietary advice to all insulin requiring patients and women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
  • Referral to the High Risk Foot Clinic (HRFC) - dependent on clinical need and accepting criteria from HRFC.
  • Counseling by a Psychologist (internal referral only)
  • Virtual Education  
  • Telehealth available for select Appointment types.
  • Inpatient Education (referral are made directly through the healthcare professionals from the ward)
  • Pediatric Diabetes clinic (link to Paediatric Diabetes Service)
  • Transition Young Adult Diabetes Clinic 
  • Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Service (CSII pumps) known to SGH Service
  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service (CGMS) known to SGH Service

The Diabetes Educator

Diabetes educators promote optimal health and well-being for people living with diabetes using a range of skills and knowledge. This is achieved through practical “hands on” teaching sessions, formal teaching sessions and clinical management. Education is “person centered” and “person driven” based on patient identified needs and clinical goals. You may need multiple Education sessions depending on your needs.

The Diabetes Dietitian

The Diabetes Dietitian specialises in providing dietary advice tailored to individuals with diabetes. They undertake medical nutrition therapy (MNT) to use nutrition to manage and treat diabetes alongside the team (which can include adjusting your diet to work with your medications), provide education on many nutrition topics including the impact of different foods on blood glucose levels, provide personalised meal plans/guides, provide support and motivation and play a key role in preventing or managing complications such as heart and kidney diseases. You can see the dietitian face to face or virtually.

*Please note that our Dietitians are only able to see patients who have Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes on Insulin, have Gestational Diabetes or have been internally referred.

If you have Type 2 diabetes and are not on insulin please contact our Outpatient Nutrition and Dietetics Team for Dietitian referral

The Diabetes Psychologist

The aim of the diabetes psychology service is to provide counselling and support to internally referred patients to improve mental health, self- management of diabetes distress and promote optimal well-being.

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9113 2774
02 9113 2690

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday

8:30am to 3:00pm.

Please use the Outpatient Referral Form

Location Media
Meta Description
The SGH Diabetes team aims to achieve highly integrated, coordinated and timely Diabetes health care services to patients to prevent acute hospitalisations, reduce complications, improve education and coordinated pathways of Diabetes Care in all health ca

You will be informed of your appointment times via the Administrative team or by the Diabetes Educators and Dietitians directly. You will also receive a Text Message reminders on your phone prior to the appointment. If you are not able to attend the appointment – please call 9113 2774 to reschedule.

Please note that we do run to time and have a full schedule. If you are late to the appointment – we will need to reschedule you.

  • Please bring your medicare card.
  • Please remember to bring your glucometer, Blood Glucose Level records
  • If applicable please have all Pump or CGM downloads available at your appointment for review.

  • Type 1 Diabetes aged 16 years and over under the care of SGH Endocrinology only
  • Type 2 Diabetes aged 16 years and over (as below):
    • on insulin, and/or other diabetes injectables medication -GLP-1 and/or suplphonylurea medication
    • OR HbA1c > 8%
    • OR worsening HbA1C
    • OR recurrent hypoglycaemia
    • OR worsening complications
  • Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – referred by SGH Antenatal Team, SGH Endocrinology Team, General Practitioner, Obstetrician
  • Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes in pregnancy - referred by SGH Antenatal Team, SGH Endocrinology Team, General Practitioner, Obstetrician
  • Transitioning Young Adults with Diabetes  – the  Endocrinologist will refer to a diabetes educator, dietitian and psychologist
  • Preconception Planning for women with Diabetes
  • Within SGH Catchment or requiring the Tertiary level care available at SGH.

  • Due to complexities with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes we are unable to co-ordinate with external Endocrinologists, we do recommend patients are referred to the St George Public Hospital Endocrinology team. 
  • Due to demands on our Endocrinology team we are unable to see patients referred for obesity management or insulin resistance who have not developed Diabetes.
  • Commencement of Continuous Glucose Monitoring for patients with Type 2 diabetes NOT under the care of SGH Endocrinologists
  • Please note our Dietitians will see Type 2 Diabetes on Insulins ONLY -those who are on oral Hyperglycaemic agents will need to be referred to our Outpatient Dietetics Team Nutrition and Dietetics | South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (

​​​​Please refer to the Community Diabetes (ComDIab) for the following:

Adults with uncomplicated Type 2 diabetes , post gestational diabetes or pre-diabetes
Families and carers of people with uncomplicated Type 2 diabetes , post gestational diabetes or pre-diabetes  
Ph: 02 9540 8175
Fax: 02 9540 8164

Parking can be difficult at times and if it is your first time attending an appointment, navigating your way through the hospital campus can be challenging therefore we recommend you allow plenty of time and aim to arrive 15mins prior to your appointment time.

There are 2 car parks located on Gray St and Belgrave St.

There is off street parking for 1-2 hours. We suggest you allow time to find a parking spot.

Kogarah railway is approx. 10 minutes’ walk to the hospital.

The Prichard Wing is located along Gate 9 on Short Street.

If you have an insulin pump or CGM, ensure your data is available for review before attending appointments.

If you require assistance with this, contact the relevant company (details below) for assistance.

Medtronic – insulin pumps, CGM, carelink 24 hr Support – 1800 777 808

 AMSL – t:slim insulin pump, Dexcom, Glooko

24 hr Support – 1300 851 056

Ypsomed – insulin pump, MyLife App

24 hr Support – 1800 447 042

Abbott - Freestyle Libre

24 hr Support – 1800 801 478

Insulet -Omnipod

24 hr Support – 1800 954 074


Test Clinic Page for SGH

Member for

7 years 6 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on

Heading Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent rutrum venenatis aliquet. Cras id rutrum neque. Duis eu nulla ex. Mauris massa sapien, consequat at turpis et, lacinia mollis ipsum. Proin condimentum, nunc at fringilla convallis, ipsum lectus dictum odio, eu laoreet diam tellus at purus. Fusce nec ultrices justo, non tincidunt ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus sit amet augue dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce tempor ultrices lacinia. Vivamus eleifend hendrerit magna sed pulvinar. Sed auctor augue vitae lectus consequat elementum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla tempor urna turpis, sit amet porta lacus posuere nec. Praesent vel sapien ullamcorper, semper libero id, molestie sem.

Vestibulum consectetur maximus sapien ac vehicula. Nullam laoreet turpis metus, a feugiat dolor rhoncus non. Aliquam vitae efficitur dui, eu viverra dui. Integer faucibus neque velit, in porta elit faucibus id. Proin sed nisl ac justo pretium tempus. Etiam vestibulum lorem non eros lobortis consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pretium arcu nec ipsum rutrum posuere. Curabitur nec quam est.

Fusce in purus id est mollis tincidunt eget eget massa. Nam a ullamcorper libero, quis interdum lacus. Praesent nec turpis ultrices tortor congue aliquam. Nunc commodo lectus eu eros condimentum, at aliquet justo feugiat. Phasellus egestas consequat fermentum. Quisque sollicitudin consequat nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus in laoreet lectus. Etiam leo magna, dignissim at facilisis sed, ornare sed neque. Duis accumsan urna ut interdum venenatis. Phasellus at venenatis lacus. Curabitur dui nibh, ultricies sagittis gravida quis, accumsan id velit. Fusce varius, libero nec porttitor tincidunt, ligula ex posuere dolor, sed dapibus felis massa a risus. Praesent congue lorem ut ante porttitor consequat. In vitae vulputate arcu.

130 Year Banner
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Location Details
Contact us
02 9113 1234
Street address
Gray St, Kogarah NSW 2217

Some additional details

Location Media

-33.967565957989, 151.13290786743

Meta Description
Test page for some clinic, St George Hospital
Service Type

Aliquam sed leo non lacus gravida sollicitudin. Nam cursus sagittis metus ac eleifend. Nullam sit amet ipsum eu sem feugiat varius. Suspendisse et tempor nulla. Mauris at orci diam. Aenean nec congue mi. Maecenas vel tellus a magna vulputate molestie non ac purus. Nunc rutrum pharetra quam in mattis. Aenean sodales scelerisque ipsum, at pretium libero mattis nec. Fusce mollis turpis nunc, eu molestie nisl aliquet sed.

Aliquam sed leo non lacus gravida sollicitudin. Nam cursus sagittis metus ac eleifend. Nullam sit amet ipsum eu sem feugiat varius. Suspendisse et tempor nulla. Mauris at orci diam. Aenean nec congue mi. Maecenas vel tellus a magna vulputate molestie non ac purus. Nunc rutrum pharetra quam in mattis. Aenean sodales scelerisque ipsum, at pretium libero mattis nec. Fusce mollis turpis nunc, eu molestie nisl aliquet sed.

Department of Immunology

Member for

7 years 6 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on

How can we help you?

We offer a consultation clinic where patients with immunological, autoimmune, allergy, and auto-inflammatory problems are examined and treated. We can help if you have problems with your immune system. This includes autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as:

  • Anti-phospholipid Syndrome.
  • IgG4-related disease
  • Immunodeficiency
  • IgG replacement therapy

We also help you if you have allergy disorders such as:

  • Anaphylaxis - severe allergic reaction
  • Eczema or atopic dermatitis - conditions which make your skin red and itchy.
  • Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis - nose and eye problems due to allergies.
  • Drug or vaccine allergy
  • Hives and angioedema - swelling beneath your skin.
  • Nasal polyposis - non-cancerous growths in the lining of your nose or sinuses.
  • Mastocytosis - a condition where certain immune cells called mast cells build up under your skin and/or in the bones, intestines and other organs.
  • Post COVID-19 Inflammatory syndromes
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Location Details
Contact us
(02) 9113 2955
(02) 9113 3981
Street address
Ground Floor, Prince William Wing, St George Hospital, Belgrave St, Kogarah NSW 2217
Postal address
Immunology Department, St George Hospital, 2 South Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217

Head of Department: 
Professor Steven Krilis

Reception staff may be contacted on (02) 9113 2955  
Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

Location Media

-33.9664288, 151.1342599

Meta Description
Immunology, St George Hospital, Kogarah NSW 2217

  • We do not provide oral or intramuscular desensitisation for allergy
  • Generalised itch with no rash
  • High specific IgE with no clinical symptoms
  • Non-IgE mediated gastrointestinal symptoms, e.g., food/lactose intolerance.
  • Chemical intolerance / occupational medicine
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
  • Mast cell activation syndrome excluding mastocytosis
  • Currently we are not set up for skin testing for food or aeroallergens

Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 4:30pm

The Immunology Clinic is located on the Ground Floor, Prince William Wing, St George Hospital Belgrave St, Kogarah NSW 2217

Clinic is held weekly every Wednesday from  1pm - 4.00pm 

Parking is available at a cost in the multi-storey car park on South St or Hogben St. There is free on-street parking available in the vicinity for up to 2 hours.

Staff Specialists
Director / Immunologist  Professor Steven Krilis
Staff Specialist Immunology  
Administrator Izabela

Any adult patient reporting any Immunology condition over the age of 16 years.

We care for and treat people with immunological diseases, including:

  • Autoimmune and inflammatory disease
  • Autoinflammatory disorders such as familial Mediterranean fever.
  • Neuroimmunological disease (in conjunction with a neurologist)
  • Patients requiring management of immunosuppression.
  • Primary immunodeficiency disorders
  • Urticaria
  • Angioedema
  • Systemic mastocytosis
  • Severe cutaneous adverse reactions, including DRESS syndrome.

Please send a referral letter to our Specialist by fax: (02) 9113 3981

Please ensure that all the mandatory information is completed on the form. The referral form ensures that you do not miss any important information to enable a timely and appropriate referral.

Please note the following whilst completing the referral:

  • You must address the referral to the Consultant from our Specialist team, not the hospital, clinic, outpatient department or JMO.
  • The Immunology clinic requires referrals from either a GP or a Specialist medical officer.
  • You must sign and date the referral and include your provider number and practice address.
  • You must provide this referral prior to the appointment date.

Referrals that do not meet the above criteria will not be processed by our team.

Alternatively, you can use the St George Hospital Outpatient referral form

A member of our administration team will contact the patient with an appointment date once your referral is received and has been triaged. If you have not heard from anyone from our team by two weeks, please call (02) 9113 2955 to follow up with your referral.

If an appointment is missed or cancelled, we will call the patient with a plan to reschedule.

We are a Medicare service. You must provide a referral that is addressed to our specialist doctor. Your patient will be bulk billed.

Department of Infectious Diseases

Member for

7 years 6 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on

How can we help you?

We offer a consultation clinic where patients with a wide variety of infections, including post-operative infections, infections of the bones and joints, recurrent infections of the skin and soft tissues, infections in travellers, and organism-related infections. Other infections may include:

  • Complex infections and infectious diseases  
  • Chronic infections – bacterial, parasitic, viral
  • Returned travellers/imported fevers
  • Fever of unknown origin 
  • Bone and joint infections
  • Infections in immunosuppressed patients 
  • Recurrent or chronic skin infections, e.g. boils, MRSA, non-healing lesions
  • Suspected zoonosis
  • Extrapulmonary TB
  • More ACUTE referrals may be able to be referred to the Infectious Diseases Rapid Access Clinic
  • The Infectious Diseases team also provided treatment and management in patients with HIV. Please refer to the Waratah Clinic website for more information and how to make a referral/appointment
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Location Details
Contact us
(02) 9113 2955
(02) 9113 3981
Street address
Ground Floor, Prince William Wing, St George Hospital, Belgrave St, Kogarah NSW 2217
Postal address
Infectious Diseases Dept.
St George Hospital,
2 South Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217

Head of Department: 
Dr Pam Konecny

Reception staff may be contacted on (02) 9113 2955  
Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

Location Media

-33.9664288, 151.1342599

Meta Description
Infectious Diseases, St George Hospital, Kogarah NSW 2217

Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 4:30pm

The Infectious Diseases clinic is located in the Outpatient Department, Ground Floor, Prince William Wing, St George Hospital, Belgrave St, Kogarah NSW 2217

Clinic is held weekly every Tuesday from  1.00pm - 4.00pm

Our dynamic team includes Health Professionals who work in Infectious Diseases.

Staff Specialists
Infectious Diseases/HoD Dr Pam Konecny
Infectious Diseases & Immunology Professor Steve Krilis
Infectious Diseases Dr Chris Weatherall
Infectious Diseases Dr Richard Sullivan
Infectious Diseases Dr Katy Lai
Administrator Izabela


Any adult patient reporting any Infectious condition over the age of 16 years.

Please send a referral letter to our specialist team by email:

Please ensure that all the mandatory information is completed on the form. The referral form ensures that you do not miss any important information to enable a timely and appropriate referral.

Please note the following whilst completing the referral:

  • You must address the referral to the Infectious Diseases consultant.
  • The Infectious Diseases clinic requires referrals from either a GP or a Specialist medical officer.
  • You must sign and date the referral and include your provider number and practice address.
  • You must provide this referral prior to the appointment date.

Referrals that do not meet the above criteria will not be processed by our team.

Alternatively, you can use the St George Hospital Outpatient referral form. A member of our administration team will contact the patient with an appointment date once your referral is received and has been triaged. If you have not heard from anyone from our team by two weeks, please call (02) 9113 2955 to follow up with your referral.

If an appointment is missed or cancelled, we will call the patient with a plan to reschedule.

We are a Medicare service. You must provide a referral that is addressed to our specialist doctor. Your patient will be bulk billed.

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This week, the 2024 SESLHD Service Awards made their