Test Clinic Page for SGH
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent rutrum venenatis aliquet. Cras id rutrum neque. Duis eu nulla ex. Mauris massa sapien, consequat at turpis et, lacinia mollis ipsum. Proin condimentum, nunc at fringilla convallis, ipsum lectus dictum odio, eu laoreet diam tellus at purus. Fusce nec ultrices justo, non tincidunt ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus sit amet augue dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce tempor ultrices lacinia. Vivamus eleifend hendrerit magna sed pulvinar. Sed auctor augue vitae lectus consequat elementum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla tempor urna turpis, sit amet porta lacus posuere nec. Praesent vel sapien ullamcorper, semper libero id, molestie sem.
Vestibulum consectetur maximus sapien ac vehicula. Nullam laoreet turpis metus, a feugiat dolor rhoncus non. Aliquam vitae efficitur dui, eu viverra dui. Integer faucibus neque velit, in porta elit faucibus id. Proin sed nisl ac justo pretium tempus. Etiam vestibulum lorem non eros lobortis consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pretium arcu nec ipsum rutrum posuere. Curabitur nec quam est.
Fusce in purus id est mollis tincidunt eget eget massa. Nam a ullamcorper libero, quis interdum lacus. Praesent nec turpis ultrices tortor congue aliquam. Nunc commodo lectus eu eros condimentum, at aliquet justo feugiat. Phasellus egestas consequat fermentum. Quisque sollicitudin consequat nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus in laoreet lectus. Etiam leo magna, dignissim at facilisis sed, ornare sed neque. Duis accumsan urna ut interdum venenatis. Phasellus at venenatis lacus. Curabitur dui nibh, ultricies sagittis gravida quis, accumsan id velit. Fusce varius, libero nec porttitor tincidunt, ligula ex posuere dolor, sed dapibus felis massa a risus. Praesent congue lorem ut ante porttitor consequat. In vitae vulputate arcu.

Some additional details
-33.967565957989, 151.13290786743
Aliquam sed leo non lacus gravida sollicitudin. Nam cursus sagittis metus ac eleifend. Nullam sit amet ipsum eu sem feugiat varius. Suspendisse et tempor nulla. Mauris at orci diam. Aenean nec congue mi. Maecenas vel tellus a magna vulputate molestie non ac purus. Nunc rutrum pharetra quam in mattis. Aenean sodales scelerisque ipsum, at pretium libero mattis nec. Fusce mollis turpis nunc, eu molestie nisl aliquet sed.
Aliquam sed leo non lacus gravida sollicitudin. Nam cursus sagittis metus ac eleifend. Nullam sit amet ipsum eu sem feugiat varius. Suspendisse et tempor nulla. Mauris at orci diam. Aenean nec congue mi. Maecenas vel tellus a magna vulputate molestie non ac purus. Nunc rutrum pharetra quam in mattis. Aenean sodales scelerisque ipsum, at pretium libero mattis nec. Fusce mollis turpis nunc, eu molestie nisl aliquet sed.
Healthy Ageing Program – Exercise classes
Strengthening for over 60s program
Our Strengthening for over 60s program provides safe, effective, and affordable strength and balance classes to help people 60 plus to maintain bone density, improve their functional strength, and remain independent for longer.
The program is evidence based and designed by our St George Physiotherapist and delivered by experienced exercise professionals across community venues in Bayside, Georges River & Sutherland LGAs.
The classes are suitable for most fitness levels and provides a supportive environment.
Registration and medical clearance are required for all participants.
$100 per term for 1 class per week or $150 for two classes per week (9 weeks)
Term Dates:
- Term 5 commences week starting the 21st Oct 2024
- Term 1 commences week starting 13th January 2025
- Term 2 commences week starting 24th March 2025
- Term 3 commences week starting 2nd June 2025
* It is possible to commence the program throughout the terms.
Venues / Class locations
- Caringbah: St Philips - multiple classes running on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings.
- Carss Park Community Centre - Friday mornings at 8, 9 and 10am
- Engadine Community Health Centre - Tuesday morning at 8am and 9am
- Gunnamatta Park Pavilion Cronulla - Friday mornings at 8 and 9am
- Kogarah Community Services Hub - Tuesday 11.15am and Friday 10am
- Menai Indoor Sports Centre - Thursday mornings at 10 and 11am
- Miranda Community Hall - Thursday mornings at 8, 9 and 10am
- Mortdale/Oatley Baptist Church - multiple classes running on Monday and Tuesday mornings.
- Oatley RSL Club - Thursday mornings at 8.30, 9.30, 10.30 and 11.30am
- Old's Park Sports Club - Wednesdays at 9am and 10am
- Ramsgate Lifesaving Club - Monday at 11, 12 and 1pm, plus Wednesdays at 8.30am and 9.30am
* Some classes are at capacity so please contact the office regarding availability and registration.
Contact us:
Phone: 02 911 31397
Email: SESLHD-strength@health.nsw.gov.au
Street Address: 3 Chapel Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217
Hours of operation: Office hours are 9am - 5pm
Postal address:
Strengthening for over 60s program
3 Chapel Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217

3 Chapel Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217
Office hours are 9am - 5pm.
-33.968136, 151.1349386
Advance Care Planning - Planning ahead for serious illness or injury
How we can help you
If you are living in the local community and are over 45, we can meet with you and discuss options and plans should the time come when you are unable to speak for yourself due to illness or injury.
Our specialised Nurse can visit you at home to talk to you, your family or carer, and your Doctor about:
- who would make decisions for you regarding your health, and
- the type of medical care you would want to receive if you became seriously ill or injured.
Advance Care Planning is all about discussing your wishes before you become ill. It gives you and those close to you the opportunity to talk about your values, experiences, fears and preferences for care and treatment.
Like making a will and appointing a power of attorney or enduring power of attorney for financial matters, advance care planning may simply be a part of planning for the future.
Enduring Power of Attorney authority only applies to financial decisions. It does not extend to making healthcare decisions on behalf of someone else. The person who does this is called an Enduring Guardian.
Contact us
Hours of operation
8.30 am - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday
Closed weekends and public holidays
To use this service you must be:
- over 45 years of age
- must reside in Randwick, Botany, Waverley, Woollahra and parts of City of Sydney Local Government Area
You, your family or local Doctor can make a referral for you to see our Advance Care Planning Nurse.
To make an appointment contact the Northern Network Access and Referral Centre (NNARC) on 9369 0400 and our nurse will call you to make a convenient time to visit you in your home.
Please discuss your wishes to develop a plan with your local Doctor.
What happens if I have an appointment and will not be available for the visit?
If you are not available for an appointment please contact the NNARC referral centre.
There is a waiting time for this service. Usually between 2 - 6 weeks from date of referral.
For information on developing an advance care plan or directive see:
For further information see:
- NSW Health information brochure on advance care planning
- Booklet and form for Enduring Guardianship in NSW
- https://www.nsw.gov.au/life-events/planning-for-end-of-life
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
Prince of Wales Hospital is a teaching hospital and you may be asked for your permission for a student to be present during the visits. You have the right to say no. If you do so, this will not influence the treatment or services available to you.
Public education sessions can be arranged by request. Please contact 02 9382 2984.
Advance Care Planning - Planning ahead for serious illness or injury
How we can help you
If you are living in the local community and are over 45, we can meet with you and discuss options and plans should the time come when you are unable to speak for yourself due to illness or injury.
Our specialised Nurse can visit you at home to talk to you, your family or carer, and your Doctor about:
- who would make decisions for you regarding your health, and
- the type of medical care you would want to receive if you became seriously ill or injured.
Advance Care Planning is all about discussing your wishes before you become ill. It gives you and those close to you the opportunity to talk about your values, experiences, fears and preferences for care and treatment.
Like making a will and appointing a power of attorney or enduring power of attorney for financial matters, advance care planning may simply be a part of planning for the future.
Enduring Power of Attorney authority only applies to financial decisions. It does not extend to making healthcare decisions on behalf of someone else. The person who does this is called an Enduring Guardian.
Contact us
Hours of operation
8.30 am - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday
Closed weekends and public holidays
To use this service you must be:
- over 45 years of age
- must reside in Randwick, Botany, Waverley, Woollahra and parts of City of Sydney Local Government Area
You, your family or local Doctor can make a referral for you to see our Advance Care Planning Nurse.
To make an appointment contact the Northern Network Access and Referral Centre (NNARC) on 9369 0400 and our nurse will call you to make a convenient time to visit you in your home.
Please discuss your wishes to develop a plan with your local Doctor.
What happens if I have an appointment and will not be available for the visit?
If you are not available for an appointment please contact the NNARC referral centre.
There is a waiting time for this service. Usually between 2 - 6 weeks from date of referral.
For information on developing an advance care plan or directive see:
For further information see:
- NSW Health information brochure on advance care planning
- Booklet and form for Enduring Guardianship in NSW
- https://www.nsw.gov.au/life-events/planning-for-end-of-life
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
Prince of Wales Hospital is a teaching hospital and you may be asked for your permission for a student to be present during the visits. You have the right to say no. If you do so, this will not influence the treatment or services available to you.
Public education sessions can be arranged by request. Please contact 02 9382 2984.
Aged Care Rehabilitation Unit
How we can help you
Our team specialises in the care of older people with complex health needs. We focus on rehabilitation after illness or injury and set goals with you and support you in therapies that improve your function and independence. The aim is for you to return your previous level of ability.
We are located on Level 4 South of the Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital.
Acute Aged Care Extension Unit (AACE)
Also on Level 4 South is our AACE, a six bed unit specialising in care of older patients with behavioural symptoms related to dementia or delirium. The comfort and wellbeing of these patients is enhanced by the quiet environment provided and the staff with specialised skills.
The AACE is arranged like a home with a communal lounge and access to a safe outdoor area. It is a secure unit and you will need to press the buzzer on the wall just before the unit to alert staff that you have arrived.
Nurse Unit Manager Jane Bayaca
How to find us
Level 4 South, Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 30 on our campus map)
Information about how to get to our Randwick campus
Acute Aged Care Extension Unit (AACE)
02 9382 9450
How to find us
Level 4 South, Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 30 on our campus map)

Our team includes doctors, nurses and allied health staff who work together with you, your family and carer to meet your physical, mental and emotional needs while you are in hospital and to begin planning for when you leave hospital.
ReVive Program Volunteers
Our volunteers receive 12 hours of training to provide support, companionship and practical assistance to patients, particularly those who are feeling confused, are at risk of falling or are losing some abilities as a result of being in hospital. The volunteers spend time with patients, listening to their stories, talking about things of interest, giving hand massages, encouraging them to eat and drink or helping them walk safely around the ward. If you think your relative might benefit from a visit from a ReViVe volunteer please contact the Aged Care Volunteer Coordinator on 9382 2014.
The aged care wards offer nursing care to patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A doctor is always on call. Other members of the team are available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Our nurses will try to connect you with other members of staff at your request but, depending on the time and day and the seriousness of the situation, you may have to wait, particularly when it is after hours or on the weekend. We know this can be frustrating, especially if you are worried about your relative, and will do what we can to answer questions in the meantime.
We value your opinions and know that clear communication is essential for your care. If you do not understand anything please ask us:
- Why are you doing that?
- What does that word mean?
- What does that procedure involve?
- What alternatives are there?
- What side-effects might there be?
- How will this help?
When it comes to sharing information with family and friends, it is helpful if one person takes responsibility for asking staff for updates and passing this information on to the others.
What happens if my relative is transferred to another ward in the hospital?
Sometimes, due to bed availability or specific care needs of a patient, patients may be admitted to other wards around the hospital. These patients will still be cared for by the aged care team and will be seen on a regular basis.
We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
Handbook for family and friends of patients admitted to Aged Care Wards
www.myagedcare.gov.au is an Australian Government website and national phone line (1800 200 422) with up-to-date information about Australia’s aged care system and services. It assists people to navigate the aged care system and provides referrals for assessment and service provision
The Aged Care Information Line provides information on home and community care and financial benefits. Telephone 1800 500 853 TTY 1800 555 677
Aged Care Rehabilitation Unit
How we can help you
Our team specialises in the care of older people with complex health needs. We focus on rehabilitation after illness or injury and set goals with you and support you in therapies that improve your function and independence. The aim is for you to return your previous level of ability.
We are located on Level 4 South of the Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital.
Acute Aged Care Extension Unit (AACE)
Also on Level 4 South is our AACE, a six bed unit specialising in care of older patients with behavioural symptoms related to dementia or delirium. The comfort and wellbeing of these patients is enhanced by the quiet environment provided and the staff with specialised skills.
The AACE is arranged like a home with a communal lounge and access to a safe outdoor area. It is a secure unit and you will need to press the buzzer on the wall just before the unit to alert staff that you have arrived.
Nurse Unit Manager Jane Bayaca
How to find us
Level 4 South, Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 30 on our campus map)
Information about how to get to our Randwick campus
Acute Aged Care Extension Unit (AACE)
02 9382 9450
How to find us
Level 4 South, Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 30 on our campus map)

Our team includes doctors, nurses and allied health staff who work together with you, your family and carer to meet your physical, mental and emotional needs while you are in hospital and to begin planning for when you leave hospital.
ReVive Program Volunteers
Our volunteers receive 12 hours of training to provide support, companionship and practical assistance to patients, particularly those who are feeling confused, are at risk of falling or are losing some abilities as a result of being in hospital. The volunteers spend time with patients, listening to their stories, talking about things of interest, giving hand massages, encouraging them to eat and drink or helping them walk safely around the ward. If you think your relative might benefit from a visit from a ReViVe volunteer please contact the Aged Care Volunteer Coordinator on 9382 2014.
The aged care wards offer nursing care to patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A doctor is always on call. Other members of the team are available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Our nurses will try to connect you with other members of staff at your request but, depending on the time and day and the seriousness of the situation, you may have to wait, particularly when it is after hours or on the weekend. We know this can be frustrating, especially if you are worried about your relative, and will do what we can to answer questions in the meantime.
We value your opinions and know that clear communication is essential for your care. If you do not understand anything please ask us:
- Why are you doing that?
- What does that word mean?
- What does that procedure involve?
- What alternatives are there?
- What side-effects might there be?
- How will this help?
When it comes to sharing information with family and friends, it is helpful if one person takes responsibility for asking staff for updates and passing this information on to the others.
What happens if my relative is transferred to another ward in the hospital?
Sometimes, due to bed availability or specific care needs of a patient, patients may be admitted to other wards around the hospital. These patients will still be cared for by the aged care team and will be seen on a regular basis.
We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
Handbook for family and friends of patients admitted to Aged Care Wards
www.myagedcare.gov.au is an Australian Government website and national phone line (1800 200 422) with up-to-date information about Australia’s aged care system and services. It assists people to navigate the aged care system and provides referrals for assessment and service provision
The Aged Care Information Line provides information on home and community care and financial benefits. Telephone 1800 500 853 TTY 1800 555 677
Aged Care Rehabilitation Unit
How we can help you
Our team specialises in the care of older people with complex health needs. We focus on rehabilitation after illness or injury and set goals with you and support you in therapies that improve your function and independence. The aim is for you to return your previous level of ability.
We are located on Level 4 South of the Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital.
Acute Aged Care Extension Unit (AACE)
Also on Level 4 South is our AACE, a six bed unit specialising in care of older patients with behavioural symptoms related to dementia or delirium. The comfort and wellbeing of these patients is enhanced by the quiet environment provided and the staff with specialised skills.
The AACE is arranged like a home with a communal lounge and access to a safe outdoor area. It is a secure unit and you will need to press the buzzer on the wall just before the unit to alert staff that you have arrived.
Nurse Unit Manager Jane Bayaca
How to find us
Level 4 South, Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 30 on our campus map)
Information about how to get to our Randwick campus
Acute Aged Care Extension Unit (AACE)
02 9382 9450
How to find us
Level 4 South, Acute Services Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (Building 30 on our campus map)

Our team includes doctors, nurses and allied health staff who work together with you, your family and carer to meet your physical, mental and emotional needs while you are in hospital and to begin planning for when you leave hospital.
ReVive Program Volunteers
Our volunteers receive 12 hours of training to provide support, companionship and practical assistance to patients, particularly those who are feeling confused, are at risk of falling or are losing some abilities as a result of being in hospital. The volunteers spend time with patients, listening to their stories, talking about things of interest, giving hand massages, encouraging them to eat and drink or helping them walk safely around the ward. If you think your relative might benefit from a visit from a ReViVe volunteer please contact the Aged Care Volunteer Coordinator on 9382 2014.
The aged care wards offer nursing care to patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A doctor is always on call. Other members of the team are available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Our nurses will try to connect you with other members of staff at your request but, depending on the time and day and the seriousness of the situation, you may have to wait, particularly when it is after hours or on the weekend. We know this can be frustrating, especially if you are worried about your relative, and will do what we can to answer questions in the meantime.
We value your opinions and know that clear communication is essential for your care. If you do not understand anything please ask us:
- Why are you doing that?
- What does that word mean?
- What does that procedure involve?
- What alternatives are there?
- What side-effects might there be?
- How will this help?
When it comes to sharing information with family and friends, it is helpful if one person takes responsibility for asking staff for updates and passing this information on to the others.
What happens if my relative is transferred to another ward in the hospital?
Sometimes, due to bed availability or specific care needs of a patient, patients may be admitted to other wards around the hospital. These patients will still be cared for by the aged care team and will be seen on a regular basis.
We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
Handbook for family and friends of patients admitted to Aged Care Wards
www.myagedcare.gov.au is an Australian Government website and national phone line (1800 200 422) with up-to-date information about Australia’s aged care system and services. It assists people to navigate the aged care system and provides referrals for assessment and service provision
The Aged Care Information Line provides information on home and community care and financial benefits. Telephone 1800 500 853 TTY 1800 555 677
Community Nursing Team
How we can help you
Community nurses visit people at home. They are able to discuss what you need and develop a health plan. Some of the things nurses can help with are wound care, managing health problems such as diabetes, managing your medicines and bladder or bowel problems.
Nurses often work with your doctors to manage your conditions. They can support you, your family and carers. They can also give health advice and falls prevention education, information about home-help services and health care equipment.
A community nurse can discuss ways to help you improve or cope with bowel or bladder problems. They also help people manage their urinary catheters. The appointment can be in your own home or at the hospital.
This is a free service. Home visits generally occur between 8am and 1pm.
After receiving a referral a community nurse will phone you within 24 hours to arrange a time to come and visit you in your home.
Hours of operation
Seven days a week.
Community Nursing Team
How we can help you
Community nurses visit people at home. They are able to discuss what you need and develop a health plan. Some of the things nurses can help with are wound care, managing health problems such as diabetes, managing your medicines and bladder or bowel problems.
Nurses often work with your doctors to manage your conditions. They can support you, your family and carers. They can also give health advice and falls prevention education, information about home-help services and health care equipment.
A community nurse can discuss ways to help you improve or cope with bowel or bladder problems. They also help people manage their urinary catheters. The appointment can be in your own home or at the hospital.
This is a free service. Home visits generally occur between 8am and 1pm.
After receiving a referral a community nurse will phone you within 24 hours to arrange a time to come and visit you in your home.
Hours of operation
Seven days a week.
Community Nursing Team
How we can help you
Community nurses visit people at home. They are able to discuss what you need and develop a health plan. Some of the things nurses can help with are wound care, managing health problems such as diabetes, managing your medicines and bladder or bowel problems.
Nurses often work with your doctors to manage your conditions. They can support you, your family and carers. They can also give health advice and falls prevention education, information about home-help services and health care equipment.
A community nurse can discuss ways to help you improve or cope with bowel or bladder problems. They also help people manage their urinary catheters. The appointment can be in your own home or at the hospital.
This is a free service. Home visits generally occur between 8am and 1pm.
After receiving a referral a community nurse will phone you within 24 hours to arrange a time to come and visit you in your home.
Hours of operation
Seven days a week.