Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a therapy program that can be used to improve the strength, use and function of a weak arm and hand following a stroke or acquired brain injury. It is an intensive program that will be run over a 2 week clinic at Prince of Wales Hospital, St George Hospital and Sutherland Hospital each year. It involves the encouragement of use of the weak (or affected arm) and restraint of the strong (or unaffected arm). Participants will be required to participate in 4 hours of therapy per day, with an additional 1 hour of homework and commit to wearing the restraint (in the form of a soft mitt) for most of the day. Though intensive, the results for the right people are better than usual therapy, and have strong supporting evidence from the 2017 Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management (National Stroke Foundation Australia). Participants must have some movement in their wrist and fingers and be able to consent to the program. |
Please click on the box which best describes you:
I am a stroke survivor or carer |
I am a health professional |
I want to make a referral |
I want to contact you |

St George Hospital, Gray Street, Kogarah, 2217
Sutherland Hospital, The Kingsway, Caringbah, 2229

SESLHD Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy encompasses a person’s ability to function within their environment and perform the activities they need or want to do on a daily basis. Across South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD), our Occupational Therapists work with a range of people of all ages and abilities in an inpatient, outpatient and community setting. There are more than 220 Occupational Therapists and 20 allied health assistants that make up SESLHD Occupational Therapy.
Occupational Therapists look at the whole person, identifying areas of dysfunction due to illness, injury or disability and developing remedial or adaptive strategies to enable you to participate in life.
Our commitment:
To provide world best practice in the delivery of Occupational Therapy services in SESLHD through:
- Proactive Communication
- Creative Connection
- Brave Innovation
- Enabling
- Setting Direction
In SESLHD, our Occupational Therapists provide the following:
- Assessments of a person’s biomechanical, sensorimotor, cognitive and psychosocial functioning
- Development of treatment plan based on goals identified with the person to target above dysfunction
- Implementation of evidence based treatment plans
- Functional assessment and retraining for:
- Activities of daily living e.g. showering, dressing, grooming, toileting
- Instrumental activities of daily living e.g. cooking, cleaning, medication management.
- Assessment of and implementation of management strategies for cognitive impairments
- Comprehensive home assessments including provision of home modifications where appropriate
- Provision of equipment
- Provision of education and training for person and their carers
- Group therapy including falls prevention, upper limb therapy, cardiac rehabilitation and Constraint Induced Movement Therapy.
- Discharge planning as part of the multidisciplinary team.
Specialist services:
- Seating clinic: Prince of Wales Hospital
- Hand therapy: St George Hospital & Sydney, Sydney Eye Hospital
- Lymphoedema Service: St George Hospital
- Driving assessment and rehabilitation: Calvary Hospital.
Sutherland Hospital: 9540 8300
Southcare: 9540 7175
St George Hospital: 9113 2395
Prince of Wales Hospital: 9382 5930

Occupational Therapy: The Sutherland Hospital
The goal of Occupational Therapy is to enable a person to function within their environment and perform the activities they need or want to do on a daily basis.
At The Sutherland Hospital our Occupational Therapist's work across a whole range of settings including:
Aged care | Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) | Urology |
Aged Care Assessment Unit | Gastroenterology | Vascular |
Cardiology | General Medicine | Rapid Assessment Diagnosis and Intervention Unit (RADIUS) |
Critical Care Medicine | General Surgery | Rehabilitation |
Emergency | Neurology (including acute stroke unit) | Renal |
Emergency Department Short Stay Unit (EDSSU) | Oncology | Respiratory |
Endocrine | Orthopaedics |
Outpatient Services:
Occupational Therapy provides a limited outpatient rehabilitation service primarily for upper limb management and cognitive rehabilitation post stroke. Services include assessments, appropriate treatment and ongoing management and monitoring of progress after discharge from inpatient or community services. An upper limb group is also provided twice a week if deemed appropriate by the treating Occupational Therapist. In the first instance, please call the Occupational Therapy Department to discuss any referrals.
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8am- 4.30pm
-34.0371135, 151.1148321
We are located in the Allied Health Outpatient Services on Level 2 of the main hospital building. We are directly next to The Street Café, and opposite the main hospital lifts.
You can find us via both the southern entry to Level 1 from Kareena Rd (via the lift) or from main hospital entrance facing The Kingsway (Level 2).
It is recommended that you ask the therapist whilst booking your appointment if there is anything specific you should bring to your outpatient appointment. Generally it is recommended to bring the following:
- Imaging/scans
- Copy of referral
- Medical reports
- Medicare card and Identification
- Wear comfortable clothing
Once we receive your referral, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted as soon as an appointment is available.
If we think your needs are better met by another service (eg community health) we will help you make a referral.
If you have questions regarding this appointment or if you would like to reschedule or cancel this appointment please call the Occupational Therapy Department on 9540 8300.
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us by telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
We are a teaching hospital. You may be asked to be involved in research or for an Occupational Therapy student to be present at your session under the supervision of an Occupational Therapist.
- Bathboard Installation
- Over Toilet Aid Installation
- Raised Toilet Seat Installation
- Shower Chair Installation
- Toilet Surround Frame Installation
Occupational Therapy: Southcare
At Southcare we are a team of experienced Occupational Therapists based at the Sutherland Hospital in the Southcare Building. Southcare is the Aged and Extended Care Service of the Sutherland Hospital.
We currently provide a free service to residents of the Sutherland Shire who are either aged or disabled and living in the community, we see adults over 18 years of age. We do not see NDIS clients, DVA Gold card holders or those who reside permanently in a nursing home.
What we do
We assess clients in their own home and community with the aim of improving their safety and independence. This can include:
- Falls assessment and education
- Recommend specific home modifications and equipment to support safety and independence within the home and to support the carer
- Assessment for equipment to prevent pressure injury and to promote healing of existing pressure injuries.
We make referrals to other health professionals and work as part of a team to help achieve the best health outcomes for our clients.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 8am-4.30pm
-34.0374774, 151.1147835
We visit people in their own homes in the community.
Our team is based at Southcare, 126 Kareena Road, Miranda 2228. The Southcare building is situated of The Sutherland Hospital site.
How to refer to a Southcare Occupational Therapist:
If you are over 65 years of age, please contact My Aged Care on 1800200422 and request an Occupational Therapy assessment.
If you are under 65 years of age and not receiving assistance from the NDIS, please contact Southcare Intake on 95407956 and request to make a referral.
Once we receive your referral, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted as soon as an appointment is available.
Occupational Therapy: St George Hospital
The goal of Occupational Therapy is to enable a person to function within their environment and perform the activities they need or want to do on a daily basis.
At St George Hospital our Occupational Therapist's work across a whole range of settings including:
Aged care | Liver | Paediatrics |
Cardiology | Lymphoedema |
Rehabilitation |
Cardiothoracic | Medical assessment unit (MAU) | Respiratory |
Colorectal | Mental Health | Renal |
Gastroenterology | Neurology | Trauma |
General medicine | Neurosurgery | |
Haematology | Oncology | |
Hand therapy | Orthopaedics |
Outpatient Services:
At St George Hospital we offer a range of community based and outpatient specialist services for people living within the St George and wide SESLHD area.
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a therapy program that can be used to improve the strength, use and function of a weak arm and hand following a stroke or acquired brain injury.
It is an intensive program that is run over a 2 week clinic at Prince of Wales Hospital, St George Hospital and Sutherland Hospital each year. It involves the encouragement of use of the weak (or affected arm) and restraint of the strong (or unaffected arm). Participants will be required to participate in 4 hours of therapy per day, with an additional 1 hour of homework and commit to wearing the restraint (in the form of a soft mitt) for most of the day.
For more information on the SESLHD CIMT program please click here.
Hand therapy
Hand injuries and conditions can happen at any stage of life and include broken bones, lacerations, tendon and ligament damage or conditions include Dupuytren’s contracture, carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger. St George Hospital provides a district wide comprehensive therapy service which includes assessment, evidence based therapy and custom splinting interventions.
St George Hospital hand therapy service is a joint clinic with both Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, with our senior Occupational Therapist having over 20 years experience. We receive referrals from orthopaedic surgeons, hand surgeons, plastic surgeons, other specialists, GP's and a wide variety of health professions.
Lymphoedema is the accumulation of excessive amounts of protein-rich fluid resulting in swelling of one or more regions of the body including arms, legs, trunk, breast, head, neck or genital area. Lymphoedema in developed following damage to the lymphatic system and can be a result of some cancer treatments including the removal of lymph nodes, following radiotherapy to lymph node groups or with the progression of malignant disease.
The St George Hospital Lymphoedema service is a joint outpatient service with the Physiotherapy Department, covering all of SESLHD (excluding Royal Women's Hospital who run a service for women having treatment at their facility). Please note this is not a 'clinic', there are no doctors or specialists for diagnosis.
The lymphoedema service provides assessment and treatment for primary and secondary lymphoedema, education on risk factors, lymphoedema and care of the swollen limb, treatment including skin care, exercise, manual lymph drainage massage, compression therapy and laser therapy if indicated, measuring and fitting of compression garments and home programs. As part of the Lymphoedema service, St George run an Early Intervention Clinic for breast cancer to identify patients at risk and provide relevant education and early intervention.
Outpatient Rehabilitation Medicine
The Outpatient Rehabilitation Medicine Occupational Therapy service is a clinic based, multidisciplinary allied health intervention service at St George Hospital. We offer services for patients who reside in the St George area with a variety of neurological conditions. Referral to our service must be from your GP for assessment by our rehabilitation specialists who will then recommend you for Occupational Therapy intervention.
The type of Occupational Therapy intervention is specific to a patient's goals and may include activities of daily living retraining, upper limb retraining, cognitive retraining or community access.
Our department also specialises in spasticity management and Botulinum Toxin injections for clients across the whole SESLHD area as it is a specialised service that is not available at all hospitals.
Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (PARTY) program
In Australia, traumatic injury is the leading cause of death in people under the age of 45. Young people in this age group are grossly over represented in injury and trauma statistics, both in terms of death and long term disability. Road trauma is still one of the most common causes of mortality and catastrophic injury in youth.
The P.A.R.T.Y. program is an interactive experience where participants see what it's really like to be a trauma patient. Through video's, PowerPoint presentations and interactive simulated clinical scenarios, participants will meet health professionals, emergency services personnel (e.g. ambulance officers), and people who have experienced trauma and survived, often with significant disabilities. The P.A.R.T.Y is targeted to students aged 16 years old from local high schools in the St George and Sutherland area.
Our Occupational Therapists are a part of the program, providing practical hands on insight into what it is like for a patient in hospital recovering from a traumatic injury and the impact on their day to day life.
Quick Response Program (QRP)
The Quick Response Program (QRP) is an aged care multidisciplinary community team who provide a short term service (up to 6 weeks) to assist people to remain at home safely. QRP provides a follow up service after an acute event or when there is an urgent concern regarding clients in the community. Referrals come from the Emergency Department at St George Hospital, the aged care wards at St George Hospital and from the community.
Our Occupational Therapist's provide home assessments, assessment of ability to manage at home, assessment and prescription of equipment and home modifications, energy conservation, pressure care.
Rose Cottage Day Rehabilitation Unit
The Rose Cottage Day Rehabilitation Unit is a clinic based, multidisciplinary allied health intervention service of St. George Hospital for recently discharged patients requiring further outpatient rehabilitation. The Rose Cottage Day Rehabilitation Unit is targeted towards people with neurological conditions or following multiple trauma's and aims to provide a holistic, person centred and intensive period of rehabilitation following an inpatient admission. Therapy goals for multiple allied health disciplines are required to meet the Day Rehabilitation Units eligibility criteria.
Occupational Therapy intervention is specific to a patients goals. This may include: activities of daily living retraining ,upper limb retraining, cognitive retraining or community access.
Belgrave Street, Kogarah 2217
Office hours are Monday - Friday 8am - 4.30pm
-33.9659877, 151.1340305
We are located in Integrated Community Health Service on Level 1 Burt Neilson Wing, St George Hospital.
Outpatient Occupational Therapy
We are located on Level 1 (top floor) of Prince William Wing, St George Hospital. You can enter via Belgrave Street or Kensington Street.
Equipment Hire Pool
The St George Equipment Hire Pool is located at Catherine Cottage, 11 Chapel Street, Kogarah 2217.
Office hours are Monday 8am-12noon, 1.30-4pm, Wednesday and Thursday 8am-12noon, 1.30-4pm. Closed Public Holidays.
Contact number 91132855.
Rose Cottage
We are located at 34 Short Street, St George Hospital.
It is recommended that you ask the receptionist/therapist whilst booking your appointment if there is anything specific you should bring to your outpatient appointment. You may be asked to bring:
- Imaging/scans
- Copy of referral
- Medical reports
- Medicare card and ID
- Comfortable clothing
If you need occupational therapy after leaving hospital you will be referred to our occupational therapy outpatient team. Some services will accept referrals from your local general practitioner (GP).
Once we receive your referral, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted as soon as an appointment is available. If we think your needs are better met by another service (eg Community Health) we will help you make a referral.
If you have questions regarding this appointment or if you would like to reschedule or cancel this appointment please call the Occupational Therapy Department on 91132395.
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
We are teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for an occupational therapy student to be present at your session under the supervision of an occupational therapist.
Occupational Therapy
How we can help you
Some people have difficulties with daily activities as a result of illness, injury or aging. Occupational Therapists can help show you different ways of undertaking everyday tasks including:
- How to look after yourself (eg showering, drying, dressing, toileting and grooming)
- Cooking
- Cleaning
- Managing your medicines
- Leisure activities
- Accessing the community.
We meet with you to identify your specific needs. Our aim is to help you stay safe and to stay at home.
We do this by:
- Assessing your abilities and developing a plan
- Organising useful adaptive equipment
- Providing education to patients and their families/carers
- Visiting your home and recommending home modifications
- Help with using oxygen at home, preventing pressure injuries and falls
- Offering individual or group based therapy.
We look after patients in our hospital as well as provide follow up outpatient appointments after you leave our hospital.
If you think you or someone you care living in the community may benefit from Occupational Therapy services in their home, you can call the Northern Network Access and Referral Centre on 9369 0400.
Head of Department:
Danielle Collins
Opening times
8.00am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday
How to find us
If you have an Outpatient appointment, please wait in the Physiotherapy Outpatient waiting area on Level 1, High St Building (Building 2 on our campus map). If you are coming in from High Street – there is a lift near the entrance, go down to Level 1, the waiting area is right in front of you.
If you are entering from Barker Street (where the parking station is), get in the lifts near emergency department (to the right as you enter the building) and go to Level 1. Walk all the way down to the end of the corridor.

Our qualified Occupational Therapists are part of multidisciplinary teams working across Prince of Wales Hospital.
For those who have been under the care of our hospital, we provide outpatient appointments to continue care once you have gone home. These include:
- Falls Prevention
- Wheelchair & Seating Clinic (for Spinal Injuries)
- Balance Disorders
- Rehabilitation after stroke
- Amputees and pain.
To refer your patient please call 9382 8299 or email:
If you need occupational therapy after leaving hospital you will be referred to our occupational therapy outpatient team.
Some services including our Balance Disorders and Falls Prevention Services will accept referrals from your local general practitioner (GP).
Once we receive your referral, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted as soon as an appointment is available.
If we think your needs are better met by another service (eg Community Health) we will help you make a referral.
If you have questions regarding this appointment or if you would like to reschedule or cancel this appointment please call the Occupational Therapy Department on 9382 8299.
Can I chose the day and time I attend the centre for my appointment?
We are open from 8.00am - 4.30pm. We will try to find an appointment time that suits you. However, outpatient appointment times may be limited.
How long will my appointment go for?
This can vary. It is best to check with your therapist when booking the appointment. Most appointments take about 1 hour, although our Seating Clinic appointments generally take about 2 hours.
You may need to wait up to 3 months for an outpatient appointment before you can see the Occupational Therapist (depending on the clinic). Please note this is not an emergency service.
If you are coming to an outpatient appointment we recommend bringing a support person (a relative, friend or carer) with you to the first appointment.
Please wear comfortable, loose clothing as we may get you to do some exercises whilst you are with us. You may feel more comfortable in trousers rather than a skirt.
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for an Occupational Therapy student to be present at your session under the supervision of an Occupational Therapist. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will have no impact in any way on the services we will provide.
Occupational Therapy
How we can help you
Some people have difficulties with daily activities as a result of illness, injury or aging. Occupational Therapists can help show you different ways of undertaking everyday tasks including:
- How to look after yourself (eg showering, drying, dressing, toileting and grooming)
- Cooking
- Cleaning
- Managing your medicines
- Leisure activities
- Accessing the community.
We meet with you to identify your specific needs. Our aim is to help you stay safe and to stay at home.
We do this by:
- Assessing your abilities and developing a plan
- Organising useful adaptive equipment
- Providing education to patients and their families/carers
- Visiting your home and recommending home modifications
- Help with using oxygen at home, preventing pressure injuries and falls
- Offering individual or group based therapy.
We look after patients in our hospital as well as provide follow up outpatient appointments after you leave our hospital.
If you think you or someone you care living in the community may benefit from Occupational Therapy services in their home, you can call the Northern Network Access and Referral Centre on 9369 0400.
Head of Department:
Danielle Collins
Opening times
8.00am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday
How to find us
If you have an Outpatient appointment, please wait in the Physiotherapy Outpatient waiting area on Level 1, High St Building (Building 2 on our campus map). If you are coming in from High Street – there is a lift near the entrance, go down to Level 1, the waiting area is right in front of you.
If you are entering from Barker Street (where the parking station is), get in the lifts near emergency department (to the right as you enter the building) and go to Level 1. Walk all the way down to the end of the corridor.

Our qualified Occupational Therapists are part of multidisciplinary teams working across Prince of Wales Hospital.
For those who have been under the care of our hospital, we provide outpatient appointments to continue care once you have gone home. These include:
- Falls Prevention
- Wheelchair & Seating Clinic (for Spinal Injuries)
- Balance Disorders
- Rehabilitation after stroke
- Amputees and pain.
To refer your patient please call 9382 8299 or email:
If you need occupational therapy after leaving hospital you will be referred to our occupational therapy outpatient team.
Some services including our Balance Disorders and Falls Prevention Services will accept referrals from your local general practitioner (GP).
Once we receive your referral, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted as soon as an appointment is available.
If we think your needs are better met by another service (eg Community Health) we will help you make a referral.
If you have questions regarding this appointment or if you would like to reschedule or cancel this appointment please call the Occupational Therapy Department on 9382 8299.
Can I chose the day and time I attend the centre for my appointment?
We are open from 8.00am - 4.30pm. We will try to find an appointment time that suits you. However, outpatient appointment times may be limited.
How long will my appointment go for?
This can vary. It is best to check with your therapist when booking the appointment. Most appointments take about 1 hour, although our Seating Clinic appointments generally take about 2 hours.
You may need to wait up to 3 months for an outpatient appointment before you can see the Occupational Therapist (depending on the clinic). Please note this is not an emergency service.
If you are coming to an outpatient appointment we recommend bringing a support person (a relative, friend or carer) with you to the first appointment.
Please wear comfortable, loose clothing as we may get you to do some exercises whilst you are with us. You may feel more comfortable in trousers rather than a skirt.
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for an Occupational Therapy student to be present at your session under the supervision of an Occupational Therapist. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will have no impact in any way on the services we will provide.