Consumer Participation Resources

Recovery & Wellbeing College Courses



Navigating the Mental Health System

The course will introduce students to the structure of mental health services in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, the roles of the different professions, and gain knowledge of consumer and carer rights and responsibilities. Learn more




Committee Work

This practical course aims to provide students with an understanding of the purpose of committee work and how to participate effectively. Students will explore roles within committees and deal with challenging situations and strategies to overcome these. Examples of local, state and national mental health committees and how to get involved will also be explored. Learn more




Telling Your Story in a Public Forum

In this course, students will learn how to make meaning of their experience and tell their story using recovery principles. They will also learn about boundaries and keeping safe, confidentiality of others in their story, how to deal with curly questions and how to manage nerves. The course will also explore how students can tailor their story to the needs of different audiences. Learn more




Transformation through Co-Production

Co-production is an approach that involves people with lived experience of mental distress and clinicians working in collaboration. It is increasingly being adopted in mental health services and can be used in direct work, service planning and policy. Learn more




Purposeful Storytelling

This course also helps people with lived experience to make decisions about personal disclosures in any situation. The course addresses safe disclosure, personal boundaries, tailoring your story to the setting and aligning it with recovery oriented and trauma informed principles. Learn more