Consumer Representation
SESLHD Mental Health Consumer Representation
In order to ensure that the services we offer are informed by those that we care for, the SESLHD Mental Health Services puts Consumer representation at the core of what we do.
This site contains different areas for Consumer engagement across the SESLHD Mental Health Service. It also includes a section for Expressions Of Interest (EOIs) where you can apply to work on a variety of projects seeking Consumer involvement as well as resources that may assist you on your Consumer Representation journey.
Learn more about the various committees across the SESLHD Mental Health Service and how they embrace the consumer voice.
Sign up to our newsletter to stay connected with updates for new opportunities to get involved.
A selection of resources that are relevant for Consumer representation are located here
Policies and forms for a consumer representation as well as blank timesheets.
Some frequently asked questions (and their answers) relating to consumer representation.
Consumer Advisory Groups
See updates from the Eastern Suburbs Mental Health Service Consumer Advisory Group.
See updates from the St George / Sutherland Mental Health Service Consumer Advisory Group