Resources and Links

Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI)

The ACI Innovation Exchange  provides a collaborative place online to share and promote local innovation and improvement projects and resources from across NSW

The Edge 

A free social platform committed to finding, sharing, curating and creating the boldest and most innovative new ideas in health and care, to find out more click here.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

Innovations - IHI is a leading innovator in health and health care improvement worldwide

Innovations at IHI forms a link between new innovative tools and techniques with frontline care to improve quality and increase efficiency

The Health Foundation

Innovation and Quality Improvement - The Health Foundation provides some interesting blogs, videos, publications and examples of innovation in practice from improvement programs


Let us know what else you'd like to know!

Looking for something that isn't listed here? Need support to find further innovation resources?

Contact the Innovation Team and we will be in touch!