Collage of HARP acitvities


A one day training to help workers start conversations with young people about sexual health. 

By using activities and games we explore engaging ways to talk about STI prevention, testing and treatment. This training is run in partnership with YFoundations.


This one day training package is designed for youth, health and community workers who may come into contact with young people who inject drugs, or may be at risk of transitioning to injecting.  Delivered at your service free of charge, the training aims to increase participants’ knowledge and confidence around viral hepatitis, and particularly hepatitis C, to enable workers to engage effectively with these ‘at risk’ young people. 

A free one day training for SESLHD health care workers to update them on recent advances in HIV testing, treatment and prevention. The workshops are particularly encouraged for clinicians working in emergency departments, drug and alcohol and mental health settings and maternity. It highlights the important role of health care workers in offering HIV testing more broadly as well as reducing stigma and discrimination.

The workshops are run in the lead up to World AIDS Day 1st December and during HIV Testing Week in June.


A free one day training designed for SESLHD health workers not working in gastroenterology or infectious diseases.  The training aims to increase non-specialist workers’ knowledge of hepatitis C testing and treatment, while also enhancing their understanding of and confidence working with people who inject drugs, the population group most at risk of acquiring hepatitis C.


The workshop is held during Hepatitis Awareness Week in July and at other times throughout the year.

Annual GP, practice nurse and allied health HIV, STI and viral hepatitis training updates are held in conjunction with ASHM and local sexual health clinics, five times a year across SESLHD.