Surgical, Anaesthetics and Perioperative Clinical Stream

The Surgical, Anaesthetic and Peri-operative Services Clinical Stream considers and recommends clinical strategies, programs and models of care that are responsive to changing population, technological, community expectation and health needs.

General surgery Orthopedic ENT/head and neck
Neurosurgery Hand Hepatobiliary
Colorectal Endocrine Vascular
Gastrointestinal MaxFax Opthalmology
Oral Reconstructive Spinal
Plastics Urology Anaesthesia
Perioperative Care Pain services Peritonectomy *
Dental Micro-Surgery Hyperbaric
Renal transplant * Liver services * Breast surgery
Cardiothoracic surgery    

*Across two streams 

  • Improve equity of access, quality and outcomes for patients across the district at an international, best practice level
  • To advocate for and ensure effective, efficient, valued and appropriate clinical services across the LHD and to assist in the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of clinical services
  • Lead service direction, planning and improvement by coordinating district wide collaboration and responses regarding the best interest of the workforce across the district
  • Develop and assist implementation of Models of Care
  • Drive quality and safety
  • Coordinate responses to the pillars
  • Coordinate standardization of relevant policies and guidelines
  • Promote standardisation
  • Reduce unwarranted clinical variation
  • Support site-based quality improvement projects
  • To ensure establishment and maintenance of effective working relationships with the tertiary education sector in the conduct of teaching, education and clinical research; and, foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement in the clinical workforce
  • Strategies for the development of skills for the clinical workforce and that there is succession planning for the future
  • To develop, recommend and implement stream plans for improving the quality and integration of clinical services across the district and to ensure that these are consistent with other LHD clinical service plans.

Partnering for Healthier Communities

  • Elective Surgery Performance / Waitlist Reduction
  • Supporting initiatives to improve Elective Surgery performance across the District, support resumption of elective surgery at all sites.
  • All sites are working towards "Triple 000" July 2024, plans have been submitted to MOH. Collaborative care models in place.

Shaping the Future

  • Virtual care models
  • Innovative technology shaping the future of health and social care
  • Shaping the future by working with clinicians, the Strategy, Innovation and Improvement team and Virtual Care Hub to incorporate virtual care models into surgical practice

Professor Ramon Varcoe 
Stream Director 

Paul Clifford 
A/Stream Manager 
Ph: 0404 032 962 

Julia Allen 
Admin Support
Ph: 02 9540 8284 

Preparing for surgery image
How to prepare for surgery
External image of Prince of Wales Hospital
Prince of Wales Hospital
External image of St George Hospital
St George Hospital
External signage of Sutherland Hospital
Sutherland Hospital
External image of Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital
Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital
External image of Royal Hospital for Women
Royal Hospital for Women