Our Training Program

Training at the East Coast Medical Network commences with the RiPE program. An innovative 10 week on-line program designed to prepare trainees for the transition from junior doctor to resident medical officer.

This is followed by our well established and comprehensive written and clinical training program giving our trainees the right set of skills to be successful in both the written and clinical exam.   


Why RiPE?

Here at ECMN we recognise that the leap from Resident to Registrar is often daunting for many Junior Doctors. The RiPE program (The ResIdent to Physician Registrar Education) is designed to prepare trainees for possible scenarios that they are likely to encounter in their first weeks as a medical registrar, and equip them with tools, strategies and guidelines to assist them.

RiPE is a 10 week program that combines case-based discussions, online resource sharing and lectures. It is run from October to December in the year prior to you starting as a BPT.  All lectures are video-conferenced live, as well as recorded for viewing at a later date, accessible from your computer, tablet or mobile phone from anywhere in the world. 

Below is an example of a program layout covering the various following topics in both clinical and professional development:

Clinical Case – Weekly Case Example:

  • Week 1 & 2: Cardiology: The Acute Coronary Syndromes; Arrhythmias
  • Week 3 & 4: Respiratory: Respiratory Failure and Non-Invasive Ventilation
  • Week 5 & 6: Neurology: Stroke Syndromes; Dizziness; Status Epilepticus
  • Week 7: Endocrinology: Diabetic Emergencies
  • Week 8: Gastroenterology: Haematemesis
  • Week 9: Geriatrics: An approach to Delirium
  • Week 10: Infectious Diseases: Sepsis of unknown origin; Encephalitis & Meningitis

Professional Case Examples:

  • Week 1: Preparing to be a BPT
  • Week 2: Leading a Team
  • Week 3: Time Management & Organising your Day
  • Week 4: Difficult patient conversations
  • Week 5: How to Debrief
  • Week 6: Looking after yourself & keeping healthy
  • Week 7: Looking out for your peers – warning signs & getting help
  • Week 8: Making the most of a Mentor
  • Week 9: Managing conflict in the workplace
  • Week 10: Planning the 2 years ahead

The written examination program consists of:  

Lecture series commencing at the start of your first year as a BPT

  • Lectures are delivered during protected teaching time on Wednesdays
  • Lectures are video-conferenced live to all our sites
  • Access to the same lecturers regardless of rotation
  • Lecture program complements the RACP Physician Education Program Series

Intensive MCQ Review Sessions in the final months leading up to the exam.

Allocated study leave to attend one of the four revision courses currently available

Personalised tutorials with consultants from all subspecialities

The Clinical Exam Preparation Program starts immediately after the results of the written examination are released. Each ECMN BPT is expected to participate in:

  • Introduction to RACP Clinical Exam - Intensive
  • Masterclasses on Clinical Examination in all major subspecialties
  • Weekly rostered long cases with Consultants
  • Weekly rostered short cases with Advanced Trainees
  • Weekly Neurology teaching
  • Group long cases on specialty topics
  • Saturday trial examinations at Prince of Wales Hospital, with further trial exam days held at Port Macquarie and Shellharbour Hospitals.

Specialty short case evenings in Neurology, Rheumatology, Cardiology and Respiratory Medicine

Year 1 and 2 BPTs are expected to act as Examination Assistants at one of our exam-sites (POWH, PMBH) to familiarise them with the Clinical Exam process.

Our consistently higher than the NSW and national average results are a testament to our excellent training program. 

Year Clinical Written
2024 TBC 100%
2023 90% 87%
2022 100% 100%
2021 93% 94%
2020 100% 94%
2019 89% 88%
2018 76% 100%
2017 95% 88%
2016 95% 82%
2015 94% 84%
2014 95% 82%
2013 88% 82%
2012 100% 90%
2011 83% 95%
Average 92% 90%

After passing the Written and Clinical exam, your next aim will be to attain an Advanced Training position.

We provide tutorials on writing curriculum vitaes, how to sit an interview, and provide personalised review and support for our trainees.

The ECMN also has a mentoring program, to help give you one-to-one access to an advanced trainee or consultant, to help guide you on your training journey.