Information about keeping active and healthy

Staying Active and On Your Feet

The Staying active and on your feet booklet is a useful booklet for patients and carers with exercises to do at home, and also includes lifestyle and home safety checklists.

It is available online as a PDF or free printed copies can be ordered at



Active and Healthy Website


Staying physically active is the single most important thing you can do to stay fit and independent, as you get older. Physical activity is good for the body and mind.

Age is no barrier - research shows that any exercise, at any age, is worth the effort. If you are in any doubt about exercise, please talk to your doctor.

This website can help you find an exercise program in your area and provides information and tools that can assist you to increase your physical activity.

Go to:


Falls Prevention Brochures

The Clinical Excellence Commission has a range of brochures available on topics relevant to falls prevention. Click on the links below for a copy of the infromation leaflet

Information for those at risk of a fall



Foot care and safe footwear


How to get up if you have a fall

Postural hypotension

Urge incontinence

Home exercises

A range of these brochures are also available in other languages including:

Go to to access brochures in other languages