Resources for people with HIV
For further information about HIV/AIDS visit the links or contact the agencies and other organisations listed below. The inclusion of these links does not imply any endorsement or support by South Eastern Sydney Local Health District or NSW Ministry of Health or the State of New South Wales. See our Disclaimer for more information.
- ACON. ACON is a community-based non-government organisation promoting the health and wellbeing of a diverse gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, and leading agency in HIV/AIDS policy development and program delivery.
- Adahps. Adahps is a state-wide service in NSW, Australia that assists in the care and management of people with HIV cognitive impairment and complex needs.
- AIDS Map Extensive help site produced by 3 UK AIDS associations. Detailed information on the treatment of AIDS. Includes an international database.
- Albion Street Centre (ASC). The Albion Street Centre, a facility of South Eastern Sydney Illawarra, is a community based multidisciplinary centre dealing exclusively with HIV and Hepatitis C clinical management, counselling, research, prevention and education.
- ASHM is a peak organisation of health professionals in Australia and New Zealand who work in HIV, viral hepatitis, other BBVs and sexually transmissible infections. ASHM draws on its experience and expertise to support the health workforce and to contribute to the sector, domestically and internationally. ASHM is a professional, not-for-profit, member-based organisation. It supports its members, sector partners and collaborators to generate knowledge and action in clinical management and research, education, policy and advocacy in Australasia and internationally. It is committed to quality improvement, and its products and services are sought after by governments, members, health care workers and affected people. ASHM's dedicated membership, high-calibre staff and commitment to partnership assure its effectiveness in achieving its mission. For both dental and medical HIV friendly service, click here.
- Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations(AFAO). AFAO is the peak non-government organisation representing Australia's community-based response to HIV/AIDS. AFAO's work includes education, policy, advocacy and international projects. Beyondblue: Beyondblue is a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia.
- Black Dog Institute. Supports for Mental Health, Apps for self-monitoring moods.
- Bobby Goldsmith Foundation (BGF).BGF undertakes a range of support and interventions that address key determinants of poor health outcomes for people living with HIV (PLHIV) – i.e. long-term social and economic poverty.
- Hepatitis NSW . Hepatitis NSW is the peak community-based hepatitis C organisation in the Australian state of New South Wales. Hepatitis C Council of NSW takes a partnership approach with people affected by hepatitis C and those working with it. Kirketon Road Centre (KRC). KRC operates a comprehensive medical, counselling and social welfare service including methadone access and needle syringe programs from K1 above the Darlinghurst Fire Station. KRC also has a satellite facility K2, which is located at the epicentre of the street-based sex work and drug scene in Kings Cross. K2 provides a needle syringe service, health and social welfare advice, and assessment and referral to drug treatment and other relevant services. KRC also operates a mobile Outreach service, which provides health education, needle syringe service and assessment and referral to drug treatment for hard to reach populations.
- Multicultural HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Service (MHAHS). MHAHS is a state-wide service that implements a range of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C initiatives with, and for, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) The NDIS can provide all people with disability with information and connections to services in their communities such as doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.
- NSW STIPU The work of the New South Wales Sexually Transmissible Infections Programs Unit (NSW STIPU) is guided by the NSW Sexually Transmissible Infections and HIV Strategies. These strategies aim to reduce HIV and STIs and associated morbidity and mortality in NSW by working with priority populations, the public and private health systems to build capacity for prevention, treatment and management of HIV and STIs. For Gay Friendly GP List, click here.
- Positive Heterosexuals (pozhets).Peer support organisation for heterosexual HIV positive men, women, and their partners and families living in NSW.
- Positive Life NSW. Positive Life NSW works to promote a positive image of people living with and affected by HIV with the aim of eliminating prejudice, isolation, stigmatisation and discrimination. We provide information and targeted referrals, and advocate to change systems and practices that discriminate against people with HIV, their friends, family and carers in NSW. A housing support officer can provide support and advocacy for PLHIV to access, achieve and maintain stable accommodation, including those at risk of homelessness. Dental services for HIV, click here.