SESLHD is a major employer of newly registered and enrolled nurses and midwives in NSW. If you are a newly qualified nurse or midwife who is interested in:
- starting your career in a leading Local Health District
- working in some of the state's finest hospitals
- experiencing a variety of clinical specialties and importantly,
- being supported in your new role
...then you arrived at the right place.
Transition to Professional Practice (Graduate nursing and midwifery recruitment)
Our Hospitals
For more information about our hospitals, services and graduate programs, see below.
Prince of Wales Hospital
- Registered Nurse GradStart
- Registered Nurse GradStart- Perioperative Program
- Registered Nurse GradStart - PACH
- Registered Nurse Rural Metro Exchange Program
Calvary Hospital
Garrawarra Centre
SESLHD Mental Health Program
Population and Community Health
Royal Hospital for Women
- Registered Midwife GradStart
- Registered Nurse GradStart – Gynaecology/ Gynaecological Oncology, Close Observation Unit/ Recovery/ Da
- Registered Nurse GradStart – Newborn Care Center
- Registered Nurse Midstart
St. George Hospital
The Sutherland Hospital
Sydney Hospital/Sydney Eye Hospital
- Registered Nurse GradStart- General Program
- Registered Nurse Rural Metro Exchange Program
- Registered Nurse GradStart- Perioperative Program
- Registered Nurse GradStart - PACH