The NSW Organ and Tissue Donation Service is involved in world class research relating to innovative treatments for corneal health in Australia.
The Australian Ocular Biobank plays a significant role in the understanding and treatment of various causes of eye disease and vision impairment in Australia, such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, eye conditions. The Biobank will serve as a resource for researchers in the discovery of new treatments and preventative strategies.
To find out more information about the Biobank or research projects please contact the NSW Tissue Banks on (02) 9382 7855 or via email at
The NSW Organ and Tissue Donation Service research application form and research protocol document can be found below.
Download Research Application Form
Research Reports
Southern Cross University
The NSW Organ and Tissue Donation Service partners with Southern Cross University to undertake research investigating practical strategies for increasing registrations on the Australian Organ Donor Register.
Please see link to the research report here.
The SAFEty and Biovigilance in Organ Donation Public Health Register
The Safety and biovigilance in organ donation (SAFEBOD) Public Health Register draws together health records from all people considered as organ donors, all actual donors and all organ recipients in NSW. SAFEBOD was conceived by the Centre for Organ Donation Evidence (CODE) team and created as a Public Health Register, under the Public Health Act, NSW 2010, by the NSW Ministry of Health. The aim of SAFEBOD is to provide evidence to support an increase in donors that can be safely used for transplantation, so that more people waiting can receive a transplant.
You can find more detail here.
Maximising Organ Donor offer Utility System-wide (MODUS)
MODUS will develop evidence to support policy and complex clinical decisions in the organ donor referral process in Australia. Using SAFEBOD linked data as the cohort study platform, advanced statistical methods will be utilised to better understand retrospective donor referral risk profiles, and determine any potential donor gains that could be made through varying the acceptable biovigilance risk thresholds for accepting donors.
You can find more detail here.
Organ Referral CHARacterisation Database
The Organ Referral Characterisation Database (ORCHARD) study was established by the Centre for Organ Donation Evidence (CODE) in collaboration with the NSW Organ and Tissue Donation Service, and the NSW Transplant Advisory Committee in 2010 to describe trends in organ donor referrals. This study is a retrospective clinical audit of all patients referred to the OTDS for deceased organ donation in NSW. ORCHARD is on-going and supported by the NSW Ministry of Health.
You can find more detail here.
Community Engagement Strategy
Please see link to the Community Engagement Strategy 2020-2025 here.