Looking after your emotional health

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Many people feel stress, anxiety and worry while they are waiting for planned surgery. This is very normal and may be more noticeable in the days before surgery.

Thinking about how to take care of your emotions before and on the day of your surgery can help:

  • you feel calmer, 
  • your body recover faster, 
  • reduce your need for pain medication, and 
  • you return home sooner after your hospital stay.

Some ways to care for your emotions include:

  • practicing relaxation, like slow and deep breathing or mindfulness,
  • distracting yourself by doing something you enjoy, like watching a movie or listening to music or a podcast,
  • talking to a friend or family member that you trust, or
  • doing some physical activity, like going for a walk.

There are a range of different support programs available to help you manage your emotional health before and after surgery. These programs are available in person, over the phone and online. 

  • Free access to mindfulness audio tracks in English and other languages can be found here.
  • YourCoachPlus is a free and confidential coaching service that can help you develop skills to manage stressful times in life.  
  • Head to Health is a free and confidential service that offers emotional wellbeing information and support. Visit the Head to Health website or call 1800 595 212 to get started. You can also speak with someone in person at the Canterbury Head to Health Centre
  • This Way Up have a range of free and low cost online programs with tips and tools that can support your emotional wellbeing during times of stress and uncertainty. 
  • Other free and low cost mental health programs in your area can be found at the headstart website.
  • You can also speak to your GP if you are feeling stressed, anxious or worried.