Review process

Internal review

If an applicant is not satisfied with the original decision, they can apply for an internal review within 20 working days of receiving the original decision.

The internal review must be dealt with by an officer who was not involved in processing the original application, and the internal review decision maker must issue a fresh decision within 15 working days of the receipt of the internal review application.

A fee of $40.00 is payable by the applicant to SESLHD for an internal review.

Internal Review Application Form

External review by the Information Commissioner

If you disagree with any of SESLHD's decisions, as listed on the Review Rights Brochure, you can ask for an external review by the Information Commissioner. You have within 40 working days after the notice of decision has been given to you, to apply for an external review.

If you are the person applying for access to information, you do not have to have an internal review of the decision before asking the Information Commissioner to review it.

If you are not the access applicant, you must seek an internal review before applying for review by the Information Commissioner.

On reviewing the decision, the Information Commissioner can make recommendations about the decision to the agency.

Information and Privacy Commission
Level 11, 1 Castlereagh Street,
Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone: 1800 472 679