Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
Did you know that you can start on a medication soon after unprotected anal sex to prevent acquisition of HIV? This is called Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).
Unlike PrEP, which is taken before sex, PEP is taken after a potential risk for HIV. PEP must be started within 72 hours of the risk exposure, but the sooner it is started the better. PEP is usually provided after someone has high risk anal sex – for example, a broken condom or sex without a condom at all.
A single tablet containing two antiviral medications is taken once a day for 28 days as PEP. They cause few side effects and are easy to take.
If you think you might need PEP and you live in St George or Sutherland area please call us on (02) 9113 2742.
A risk assessment will be done by a clinician and if your risk of HIV acquisition is high then PEP will be prescribed.
If it is after hours or on a weekend you can get PEP from your local Emergency department. You can also call the NSW PEP Hotline on 1800 737 669 (1800 PEP NOW) for advice.
More information about PEP is available here: