Booking Appointments
- All appointments are booked through a triage system
- Please phone reception on 02 9113 2742. Our reception staff will queue you for a call back from our triage Nurse.
- The triage nurse will call back from a blocked/private number.
- Be prepared to answer some questions about the nature of your problem as this will help us to book you with the appropriate health care professional in a timely manner.
- You may be directed to other services if this is more appropriate for your needs.
- When a booking is confirmed you will receive a SMS reminder on the day prior to the appointment. Please follow any new instructions given in this SMS and call to cancel if you cannot attend.
- Please bring any referral letter/ investigation results that you may have when attending your appointment to avoid delays.
- Please bring your Medicare card.
Please note that Short Street Centre is a specialist facility, not a General Practice or Emergency Department.
In an emergency please call 000.