MDAAC Business Paper 6 July 2020
Click the following links to access the relevant section of the MDAAC Business Paper:
SESLHD MDAAC Agenda 6 July 2020
3. Confirmation of previous SESLHD Credentials Subcommittee Minutes and SESLHD MDAAC minutes
3.1 - SESLHD MDAAC Minutes 1 June 2020
4. Business Arising
4.1.2 - HERATH Sanjeeva - HMO - Nephrology – POWH
4.1.3 - PICKARD Grant - Staff Specialist - General Medicine – SGH
4.2.2 - KAZEMIKHOO Nooshafarin – HMO in Training – Dermatology – SGH
4.2.5 - LAPPIN Julia - CA - Psychiatry - Clinical Director TRSP - POWH MH
4.2.8 - BEARDSLEY Justin – Staff Specialist - Infectious Diseases – POWH
4.2.9 - PELTZ Tim - HMO in Training - Plastic Surgery – POWH
4.2.11 - DEANS Rebecca - CA - Gynaecology – RHW
4.2.12 - GOOLAM Saadiah - HMO in T - Ophthalmology – SSEH
4.2.13 - SHAH Janika Narendra - HMO in Training - Ophthalmology - SSEH
5. Selection Committee Reports
St George Hospital
Staff Specialist - Endocrinology - held 15 June 2020
VMO - Anaesthetics - held 15 June 2020
Royal Hospital for Women
Staff Specialist - Obstetric Medicine & Women's Health - held 19 June 2020
VMO - Perinatal and Women's Mental Health - held 21 May 2020
Sutherland Hospital
VMO - General Practice - held 4 June 2020
Staff Specialist - Geriatric Medicine - held 4 June 2020
VMO - Emergency Medicine - held 9 March 2020
Sutherland Hospital – Mental Health
VMO - Psychiatry – held 15 May 2020
6. New Appointments for consideration by the Credentials Subcommittee and MDAAC
Prince of Wales Hospital
6.1 - SPELMAN Christopher - HMO in Training - Orthopaedic Surgery
6.2 - STAUDENMANN Dominic - HMO in Training - Gastroenterology
6.3 - JENNINGS Scott - HMO in Training - Cardiothoracic Surgery
St George Hospital
6.4 - REYES Michael - Staff Specialist - Endocrinology
6.5 - LEPAR Gila - VMO - Anaesthetics
Royal Hospital for Women
6.6 - BEECH Amanda - Staff Specialist - Obstetric Medicine & Women’s Health
6.7 - DWYER Alice - VMO - Perinatal and Women's Mental Health
6.8 - CHAN Agnes Nga Gee - VMO - Perinatal and Women's Mental Health
6.9 - VASUDEVAN Rohini - VMO - Perinatal and Women's Mental Health
6.10 - CURRAN Genevieve - VMO - Perinatal and Women's Mental Health
Sutherland Hospital
6.11 - WONG Daniel - Staff Specialist - Geriatrics
6.12 - WORTH Hayley - GP VMO - Emergency Medicine
6.13 - CHEN Xiaoshuang (Lilly) - GP VMO - Emergency Medicine
6.14 - MULLINS John-Paul - GP VMO - Emergency Medicine
6.15 - HO Simon - VMO - Emergency Medicine
6.16 - GOLDBERG Michael - HMO in Training - Orthopaedics
Sutherland Hospital – Mental Health
6.17 - HUI Derlon - VMO - Psychiatry
6.18 - BAHETI Khushboo - VMO - Psychiatry
6.19 - ROYTOWSKI Sasha - VMO - Psychiatry
6.20 - SAZHIN Vladimir - VMO - Psychiatry
6.21 - PATFIELD Martyn - VMO - Psychiatry
headspace – SESLHD Mental Health
6.22 - PHILLIPS Daniella - HMO - Psychiatry
Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
6.23 - CHWIEJCZAK Katarzyna - HMO in Training - Ophthalmology
6.24 - BYE Annie - Staff Specialist - Neurology – POWH
6.25 - CARDAMONE Michael - SS - Neurology – POWH
6.26 - CHAN Denise - Staff Specialist - Neurology – POWH
6.27 - FARRAR Michelle - Staff Specialist - Neurology – POWH
6.28 - JOHNSON Alexandra - Staff Specialist - Neurology – POWH
6.29 - KANDULA Tejaswi - Staff Specialist - Neurology – POWH
6.30 - LAWSON John - Staff Specialist - Neurology – POWH
6.31 - PILLAI Sekhar - Staff Specialist - Neurology – POWH
6.32 - SAMPAIO Hugo - Staff Specialist - Neurology – POWH
6.33 -TEOH Hooi - Staff Specialist - Neurology - POWH
7. Change to Scope of Clinical Practice for consideration by the Credentials Subcommittee and MDAAC
Prince of Wales Hospital
7.1 - CHAN Betty - Staff Specialist - Emergency Medicine
SESLHD Mental Health
7.2 - YOUNAN Sameh - Staff Specialist - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
St George Hospital
7.3 - CHUANG Shunn Min - Staff Specialist - Geriatric Medicine
7.4 - WILKINSON Madeleine - Staff Specialist - Geriatric Medicine
7.5 - ANTONY Alpana Marissa - Staff Specialist - General Medicine
7.6 - MORFIS Litsa - Staff Specialist - Geriatric & General Medicine
7.7 - BALDWIN Sarah - Staff Specialist - Geriatric & General Medicine
7.8 - FARRELL Leanne - VMO - Emergency Medicine
Sutherland Hospital
7.9 - GOMES Sean - Staff Specialist - Cardiology
Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
7.10 - KARACONJI Tanya - Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology
7.11 - LEONG James - Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology
7.12 - WELLS Matthew - Staff Specialist - Ophthalmology
8. Other Requests for Consideration by the MDAAC
Prince of Wales Hospital
8.1 - FOX Lucas - VMO - Anaesthetist
St George Hospital
8.2 - DAVIS Jan Maree - Staff Specialist - Palliative Care
8.3 - YOZGHATLIAN Veronica - Staff Specialist - Respiratory
12. Reporting on the Monitoring of Doctors with Conditions placed on Medical Registration
12.1 - PHADKE Kiran - Staff Specialist - Medical Oncology - SGH